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Wagtail Advanced Form Builder

Form fields


This package supports Wagtail 2 and 4. There is currently no support for Wagtail 3.

Version 1.X.X

Is for use with Wagtail version 4.X.X

Version 0.X.X

Is for use with Wagtail version 2.X.X


Wagtail Advanced Form Builder is an extension on top of Wagtail's in-built Form Builder. It provides the ability to create forms with conditional logic.


The documentation for using and developing with Wagtail Advanced Form Builder can be found at


  • Support for the following fields:
    • Single line field
    • Select dropdown field
    • Email field
    • Hidden field
    • Multi line field
    • Multi select field
    • Number field
    • Radio field
    • Checkbox field
    • Multiple checkbox field
    • Inline HTML field
    • ...More fields to come...
  • Conditional show hide actions on each field type including
    • Is equal to
    • Is not equal to
    • Greater than
    • Greater than or equal to
    • Less than
    • Less than or equal to
    • Contains
    • Starts with
    • Ends with
    • Is blank
    • Is not blank
  • Multiple conditions can be added for each field

Getting Help

Please report bugs or issues using the Issue Tracker



This project is licensed under the BSD License - see the LICENSE file for details