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This project is a simple singleView app providing a way to solve quickly The total is right

#####The project is configured to be tested on jailbroken iDevices with AppSync.

###To get it working

NB : if you are a registered iOS developer, see the last paragraph

####To get it working on your Jailbroken device, follow the steps below (for Xcode >=6 and iOS >= 7):

  • Install AppSync Unified on device from repo
  • Open

/Applications/ /SDKs/iPhoneOS.sdk/SDKSettings.plist

  • Change value of parameter AD_HOC_CODE_SIGNING_ALLOWED to YES
  • Change value of parameter CODE_SIGNING_REQUIRED to NO
  • Set "Code Signing Identity" parameter in "Build settings" (Both "Target" and "Project") to "Ad Hoc Code Sign"
  • Add new "Property List" file to your project with name "Entitlements.plist"
  • Add "Can be debugged" boolean parameter with value "YES" to Entitlements.plist
  • Add "application-identifier" string parameter with value key copied from "Bundle identifier" in target's "Info" tab.
  • Set "Code Signing Entitlements" parameter in "Build settings" (Both "Target" and "Project") to "Entitlements.plist"

Now you can use your jailbroken device as a testing device !

####If you want it to work on any jailbroken iPhone :

  • Once it's compiled, right-click on Products> in the project hierarchy and choose "Show in Finder"
  • Copy the .app anywhere
  • set permission of the executable to 755 :
		$ chmod  755
  • ldid sign the executable :
		$ ldid -S
  • ssh it to your device and respring :
	iphone$ killall SpringBoard
		iphone$ uicache

####If you are a registered iPhone Developer :

  • Set "Code Signing Identity" parameter in "Build settings" (Both "Target" and "Project") to "iOS Developer"

  • Make sure a matching codesigning identity is set in "General", section "Identity" (Both "Target" and "Project")

The scripts used are using the following tools. Make sure to install them beforehand

NB : scripts are using terminal-notifier to notify the completion of pushing. See and install by using :

	$ brew install terminal-notifier

NB : The conversion from .md to .pdf needs pandoc, which depends on a Latex distribution. To install pandoc :

	$ brew install pandoc


App for resolving The total is right






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