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Invenio OpenID Connect

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Invenio OpenID Connect is on PyPI so all you need is:

$ pip install invenio-openid-connect


At first add this client to your openid server and get key and secret. Do not forget to set the allowed redirect url to:


Then configure the backend handler in invenio.cfg

from invenio_openid_connect import InvenioAuthOpenIdRemote

    consumer_key='<key from openid server>',
    consumer_secret='<secret from openid server>',
    # request_token_url = base_url
    # access_token_url = f'${base_url}/token'
    # access_token_method = 'POST'
    # authorize_url = f'${base_url}/authorize'
    # userinfo_url = f'${base_url}/userinfo'
    # scope = 'openid email profile'
    # signature_method = 'HMAC-SHA1'
    # # fields that will be used as a source of username (in this order, first field with value wins)
    # username_fields = ['username', 'preferred_username', 'sub', 'email']

    # the class from above, the auth method will be called "openid"

Note that the redirect uri above ends with openid - this is the same key as in OAUTHCLIENT_REST_REMOTE_APPS.


After local configuration and allowing access at your , head in your browser to https://localhost:5000/api/oauth/login/openid?next=/api/oauth/state (openid is the key in OAUTHCLIENT_REST_REMOTE_APPS). You should log in with your openid provider and be redirected to state API which accesses your userinfo data.

OpenID backend

To extend the functionality of the backend (for example, to add a custom UserInfo class) you might want to write your own backend.

from invenio_openid_connect import InvenioAuthOpenIdRemote

class CISLoginAuthRemote(InvenioAuthOpenIdRemote):
    # the name of the config settings in invenio.cfg . Default is OPENIDC_CONFIG

    # human stuff
    name = 'CIS Login Server'
    description = 'Login server at CIS UCT Prague'
    icon = ''

    # userinfo class
    userinfo_cls = CISLoginUserInfoClass

Note that if your userinfo class does not inherit from dict it must implement to_dict method that is used by the state endpoint.

class CISLoginUserInfoClass:
    sub: str = None
    name: str = None
    preferred_username: str = None
    given_name: str = None
    family_name: str = None
    zoneinfo: str = None
    locale: str = None
    email: str = None
    roles: dict = {}

    def __init__(self, userinfo: dict):
        for k, v in userinfo.items():
            setattr(self, k, v)
        self.roles = userinfo.get('http:', {})

    def to_dict(self):
        return self.__dict__

    def username(self):
        if self.preferred_username:
            return self.preferred_username
        return self.sub

Then configure the remote as above.