This repository includes the set of R programs implementing 'Nucleosome Dynamics' analyses.
Landing page | |
- Nucleosome Dynamics
- Requirements
- Installation
- Input data
- Running Nucleosome Dynamics CLI
- Usage
- Results
Nucleosome positioning plays a major role in transcriptional regulation DNA replication and DNA repair. The Nucleosome Dynamics CLI offers different R scripts to analyze nucleosome positioning from MNase-seq experimental data and to compare experiments to account for the transient and dynamic nature of nucleosomes under different cellular states.
The main analyses are performed with nucleR and NucDyn R packages:
- nucleR performs Fourier transform filtering and peak calling to efficiently and accurately find the location of nucleosomes and classify them according to their fuzziness.
- NucDyn detects changes in nucleosome architectures between two MNase-seq experiments. It identifies nucleosomes’ insertions, evictions and shifts at the read level.
'Nucleosome Dynamics' also offers other nucleosome-related analyses:
- NFR: location of nucleosome-free regions
- TSS: classification of transcription start sites based on the surrounding nucleosomes
- Periodicity: study of nucleosome phasing at gene level
- Stiffness: computation of stiffness of the nucleosomes derived from fitting a Gaussian function to nucleosome profiles
Additionally, after computing all the analyses, a series of statistics (plots and tables) can be computed to obtain:
- genome-wide values for all calculations
- counts and averages at the gene level
'Nucleosome Dynamics CLI' is not only offered throught the native R interface, but a number of other implementation have been prepared in order to reach also non-R users. These implementations include two web-based platforms (MuGVRE and Galaxy) and two containerized installations (docker and singularity)
│ Nucleomose Dynamics │
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│ ┌───────────────┐ ┌───────────────┐ │
│ │ nucleR │ │ NucDyn │ │
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│ ┌─────────────────────────────────┐ │
│ │ Nucleosome Dynamics CLI │ │
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│┌───────────└┐ ┌───────────┐ ┌─────└─────┐ ┌└────────────┐│
││ MuGVRE │ │ Galaxy │-│ Docker │ │ Singularity ││
│└────────────┘ └───────────┘ └───────────┘ └─────────────┘│
- R >= 3.5
- R packages
- NucDyn
- nucleR
- UCSC wig utilities
- wigToBigWig
- bigWigToWig
- fetchChromSizes
The instructions on how to install 'Nucleosome Dynamics CLI' are detailed at here.
The primary data for 'Nucleosome Dynamics CLI' are MNase-seq aligned and sorted reads in BAM format. Additionally, as detailed in the Usage section below, some data for the reference genome are also required.
Go to test/data
for a detailed description on such data. The folder also contains an example data set for ilustrating the R program usage.
Simply run each of the analysis as follows:
Rscript bin/[analysis].R [analysis_arguments]
Where analysis.R
[analysis] |
Description |
readBAM | Read Aligned MSase-seq BAM into a RData structure (required for further processing) |
nucleR | Determine the positions of the nucleosomes across the genome |
nucDyn | Compare of two MNase-seq experiments to detect nucleosome architecture local changes |
NFR | Detect short regions depleted of nucleosomes |
txstart | Classify TSS according to the properties of nucleosomes +1 and -1 |
periodicity | Compute periodic properties of nucleosomes inside gene bodies |
stiffness | Estimate an aparent stiffness for each nucleosome obtained by fitting a Gaussian distribution to the nucleosome coverage |
Additionally, each analysis has a statistics module that creates a report (tabular or graphical) for summarising the calculation. After running each analysis, obtain the corresponding summary statistics as follows:
Rscript statistics/[analysis_stats].R [analysis_stats_arguments]
Available analysis_stats
.R are:
[analysis_stats] |
Description |
nucleR | Nucleosome call fuzziness statistics |
NFR | Nucleosome Free Regions statistics |
txstart | TSS classification statistics |
periodicity | Statistics on nucleosome periodicity along gene bodies |
stiffness | Statistics on stiffness values |
nucDyn | Statistics on nucleosome changes detected by NucDyn |
The Usage section below describes the arguments for each individual analysis and, similarly, the Results section includes a description of the sequence annotations files (GFF or bigWig) generated.
Nucleosome calls can be obtained with 'nucleR' from a BAM file of paired MNase-seq sequencing fragments. The MNase-seq reads in BAM format first have to be converted to RData format using readBAM
Rscript bin/readBAM.R --input test/data/cellcycleG2_chrII.bam --output test/data/cellcycleG2_chrII.RData --type paired
Once the RData is generated, nucleosome calling with nucleR
can be performed as follows:
Rscript bin/nucleR.R --input test/data/cellcycleG2_chrII.RData --output test/data/NR_cellcycleG2_chrII.gff --type paired
For obtaining a statistical report of the 'nucleR', the resulting GFF file is passed as an argument into statistics/nucleR.R
Rscript statistics/nucleR.R --input test/data/NR_cellcycleG2_chrII.gff --genome test/data/refGenomes/R64-1-1/genes.gff --out_genes test/data/NR_cellcycleG2_chrII_genes.csv --out_gw test/data/N/NR_cellcycleG2_chrII_stat.csv
Check the argument descriptions for each particular analysis at the Usage section. The 'nucleR' execution will generate the NR_cellcycleG2_chrII.gff track file with the detected nucleosome positions and a number of scores described in the Results section. Most of the sequence browsers can visualize it, for instance, JBrowse.
Rscript bin/readBAM.R --input {bam} --output {RData} --type (single|paired)
Mapped sequences file in BAM format
RData file
Type of sequence data: single|paired
Rscript bin/**nucleR.R** --input {RData} --output {gff} --type (single|PAIRED) \
[--minoverlap {int} --width {int} --dyad_length {int} --hthresh {double} --wthresh {double} --pcKeepComp {double} --fdrOverAmp {double} --components {int} --fragmentLen {int} --trim {int} --threshold {logical} --thresholdValue {int} --thresholdPercentage {double} --chr STR --start {int} --end {int} ]
Input BAM file (RData format)
Nucleosome calls in GFF format. Annotations: Score_weight (0-1), Score_height (0-1), class (W, F, uncertain)
Type of sequence data: single|paired
Minimum number of overlapping base pairs in two nucleosome calls for them to be merged into one (bp). Optional, default 80.
Width given to nucleosome calls previous to merging (bp). Optional. Default 147.
Number of bases around the dyad of the nucleosome calls to be used for nucleosome scoring (bp). Optional, default 50.
Height threshold (between 0 and 1) to classify (in combination with width threshold) a nucleosome as either fuzzy or well-positioned according to the number of reads in the dyad of the nucleosome call. Nucleosomes below this value (that is, nucleosomes with low coverage) will be defined as fuzzy. Optional, default 0.4.
Width threshold (between 0 and 1) to classify (in combination with height threshold) a nucleosome as either fuzzy or well-positioned according to the disperion of the reads around the dyad. Nucleosomes below this value (that is, nucleosome calls not sharp enough) will be defined as fuzzy. Optional, default 0.6
Parameter used in the coverage smoothing when Fourier transformation is applied. Number of components to select with respect to the total size of the sample. Allowed values are numeric (in range 0:1) for manual setting, or 'auto' for automatic detection. Optional, default 0.02.
Threshold to filter over-amplified reads, as defined in filterDuplReads function of htSetqTools R package. Optional, default 0.05.
Number of negative binomials that will be used to filter duplicated reads, as defined in filterDuplReads function of htSetqTools R package. Optional, default 1.
Maximum fragment length allowed (bp). Optional, default 170.
Number of bases around the center of each fragment (bp) to use for peak calling. Optional, default 50.
Defines what threshold should be used to filter out non-significant nucleosome calls. If set to TRUE, the percentage value is considered (--thresholdPercentage). If set to FALSE, the absolute value (--thresholdValue) is used. Optional, default TRUE.
Absolute value to filter out nucleosome calls. It is the minimum number of reads (coverage) in a nucleosome call expressed as reads per million of mapped reads. Optional, default 10.
Percentile of coverage in the experiment used as threshold to filter out nucleosome calls (i.e., '25%' would mean that only peaks with coverage in the 1st quantile would be considered). Optional, default 35(%)
Chromosome to consider for the analysis in the given input file. By default, all the genomic range is considered. Optional, default NULL.
Start genomic position to consider for the analysis in the given input file. By default, all the genomic range is considered. Optional, default NULL.
End genomic position to consider for the analysis in the given input file. By default, all the genomic range is considered. Optional, default NULL.
Rscript bin/nucDyn.R --input1 {RData} --input2 {RData} --calls1 {gff} --calls2 {gff} --outputGff {gff} --outputBigWig {bw} --genome {chrom.sizes} \
[ --range {str} --plotRData {RData} --maxDiff {int} --maxLen {int} --shift_min_nreads {int} --shift_threshold {double} --indel_min_nreads {int} --indel_threshold {double} --cores {int} --equal_size (logical) --readSize {int} ]
--input1, --input2
Input BAM from MNase-seq in RData format (from readBAM)
--calls1, --calls2
Nucleosome calls in GFF format as obtained from nucleR
Output of NucDyn in GFF format: position of evictions, inclusions, shifts.
--outputBigWig {bw}
Output of NucDyn in BigWig format: -log10 of the p-value of the significance of the differences found.
--genome {chrom.sizes}
Chromosome sizes from reference genome
--range (All|chr|chr:start-end)
Genomic range to be analyzed. All: all genome; chr: a whole chromosome; chr:start-end: a specific region given the coordinates. Optional, default All.
--plotRData {RData}
Save all the detected changes at the fragment level in RData format for posterior plotting. Optional, default NULL (no RData is saved).
Maximum distance between the centers of two fragments for them to be paired as shifts. (bp) Optional, default 70.
This value is used in a preliminar filtering. Fragments longer than this will be filtered out, since they are likely the result of MNase under-digestion and represent two or more nucleosomes (bp). Optional, default 140.
Minimum number of shifted reads for a shift hostspot to be reported {int}. Optional, default 3.
Threshold applied to the shift hostpots. Only hotspots with a score better than the value will be reported. Notice the score has to be lower than the threshold, since these numbers represent p-values {float}. Optional, default 0.1.
Minimum number of removed/included reads for an insertion or eviction hostspot to be reported {int}. Optional, default 3.
Threshold applied to the inclusion and eviction hostpots. Only hotspots with a score better than the value will be reported. Notice the score has to be lower than the threshold, since these numbers represent p-values {float}. Optional, default 0.05.
Number of computer threads. Optional, default 1.
Trim all fragments to the same size. Optional, default FALSE.
Length to which all reads will be set in case `equalSize` is `TRUE`. It is ignored when `equalSize` is set to `FALSE`. Optional, default 140.
Rscript bin/NFR.R --input {gff} --output {gff} [--minwidth {int} --threshold {int} ]
Nucleosome calls in GFF format as obtained from nucleR.
--output {gff}
Nucleosome Free Regions in GFF format.
Minimum length (bp). Optional, default 110bp.
Maximum length (bp). Optional, default 400bp.
Rscript bin/txstart.R --calls {gff} --genome {gff} --output {gff} \
[ --window {int} --open_thresh {int} --cores {int} --p1.max.downstream {int} ]
Nucleosome calls as obtained form nucleR. GFF format
Gene positions in the reference genome. GFF Format
Classification of TSS according to nucleosome -1 and +1. GFF format.
Number of nucleotides on each side of the TSS where -1 and +1 nucleosomes are searched for. Optional, default 300.
Distance between nucleosomes -1 and +1 to discriminate between 'open' and 'close' classes. Optional, default 215.
Number of computer threads. Optional, default 1.
Maximum distance upstream from the TSS to look for +1 nucleosome. Optional, default 20.
Rscript bin/periodicity.R --calls {gff} --reads {RData} --type (single|paired) --gffOutput {gff} --bwOutput {bw} --genes {gff} --chrom_sizes {chrom.sizes} \
[--periodicity {int} --cores {int} ]
Nucleosome calls in GFF format as obtained from nucleR.
Sequence Reads in RData format as obtained from readBAM.
Type of reads (single|paired)
Periodicity output in GFF format.
Periodicity output in BigWig format.
Position of genes in reference genome. GFF format
Chromosome sizes file in the reference genome.
Average distance between two consecutive nucleosomes. It is used as the period of the nucleosome coverage signal. It should be defined according to the nucleosome repeat length in the corresponding cell type. Optional, default 165.
Number of computer threads. Optional, default 1.
Rscript bin/stiffness.R --calls {gff} --reads {RData} --output {gff} \
[ --range {str} --t {double}] ]
Nucleosome calls in GFF format as obtained from nucleR.
Sequence data in RData format as obtained from readBAM.
Output stiffness for each nucleosome call in GFF format.
Genomic range to consider. Format: [str, All|chr|chr:start-end] whre 'All' is all genome, 'chr' is a single chomosome, and 'chr:start-end' is the range indicated by the coordinates. Optional, default 'All'.
Temperature (K). Optional, default 310.15.
Rscript statistics/nucleR.R --input {gff} --genome {gff} --out_genes {csv} --out_gw {csv}
Nucleosome calls in GFF format as obtained from nucleR.
Gene positions in the reference genome. GFF Format.
Output file containing statistics of all calculations for each gene. CSV format.
Output file containing table of genome wide statistics. CSV format.
Rscript statistics/nucDyn.R --input {gff} --genome {gff} --out_genes {csv} --out_gw {png}
Nucleosome inclusions, evictions and shifts as obtained from NucDyn. GFF format.
Gene positions in the reference genome. GFF Format.
Output file containing statistics of all calculations for each gene. CSV format.
Output file containing plot of genome wide statistics. PNG format.
Rscript statistics/NFR.R --input {gff} --genome {gff} --out_gw {csv}
Nucleosome free regions in GFF format as obtained from NFR analysis.
Gene positions in the reference genome. GFF Format.
Output file containing table of genome wide statistics. CSV format.
Rscript statistics/txstart.R --input {gff} --genome {gff} --out_genes {csv} --out_gw {png} --out_gw2 {png}
TSS classification in GFF format as obtained from txstart analysis.
Gene positions in the reference genome. GFF Format.
Output file containing statistics of all calculations for each gene. CSV format.
Output file containing table of genome wide statistics. PNG format
Output file containing plot of genome wide statistics. PNG format
Rscript statistics/periodicity.R --input {gff} --genome {gff} --out_genes {csv} --out_gw {csv}
Periodicity of genes in GFF format as obtained from periodicity analysis.
Gene positions in the reference genome. GFF Format.
Output file containing statistics of all calculations for each gene. CSV format.
Output file containing table of genome wide statistics. CSV format.
Rscript statistics/stiffness.R -input {gff} --genome {gff} --out_genes {csv} --out_gw {csv} --out_gw2 {png}
Nucleosome calls with estimated stiffness values, in GFF format as obtained from stiffness analysis.
Gene positions in the reference genome. GFF Format,
Output file containing statistics of all calculations for each gene. CSV format.
Output file containing table of genome wide statistics. CSV format.
Output file containing plot of genome wide statistics. PNG format.
Most of 'Nucleosome Dynamics CLI' output files are sequence annotation files, either in GFF or BW format. They are ready to be visualized as sequence tracks in most modern sequence browsers. In addition, for each track hit further information is offered to help analysing the rellevance of each individual result. An explanation about each track, and the list of its attributes are explained in the following.
Primary data
- Position: region where a nucleosome movement is detected.
- Type: change in the nucleosome map.
- Score: magnitude of the change.
- class: type of hotspot (see help for all possible types).
- nreads: number of reads involved in this movement.
Primary data
- Position: region where a nucleosome is detected.
- Score: Positionning score. It is calculated as the weighted sum of width and height scores.
- score_width: Witdth score. It is a measure peak sharpness. A value of 0 would be an extremely wide peak and a value of 1 a very sharp one.
- score_height: Height score. It tells how hight a nucleosome peak is. The bigger this number, the higher the peak.
- class: Whether the nucleosome is well-positioned (W) or fuzzy (F) or undetermined. The class depends on score_h and score_w. Undetermined means the exact position of the nucleosome cannot be determined due to strong fuzziness.
Primary data
- Score: Apparent stiffness estimation. It represents the energy required to move the nucleosome (expressed in kcal/mol/bp). It's derived from the standard deviation of a fitted Gaussian.
- nucleR_score: the nucleR score given to that nucleosome.
- nucleR.class: the nucleR class given to that nucleosome.
- gauss_k: the height of the peak of the gaussian curve.
- gauss_m: the position of the peak of the gaussian curve.
- gauss_sd: the standard deviation of the gaussian curve.
Primary data
- Position: gene position (from TSS to TTS)
- nucleosome_first: Dyad of the first (+1) nucleosome of the gene.
- nucleosme_last: Dyad of the last (closest to TTS) nucleosome of the gene.
- score_phase: Ii is a measure of the phase between the first and the last nucleosome. A score of 0 means the two nucleosomes are completely phased and a score close to the nucleosome repeat length of the organism divided by 2 (83 in S. cerevisiae) corresponds to totally antiphased nucleosomes.
- score_autocorrelation: It is directly computed from the experimental coverage and is a quantitative measure of the periodicity of nucleosomes along the gene body.
Primary data
- Position: Region between the dyads of two nucleosomes surrounding the TSS.
- classification: Descriptor of the nucleosome architecture around the Transcription Start Site. See the help for possible options.
- distance: Distance in base pairs between the nucleosome +1 and the nucleosome -1.
- nucleosome minus1: Position of the nucleosome -1 dyad.
- nucleosome plus1: Position of the nucleosome +1 dyad.
- TTS_position: Position of the Transcription Start Site.