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  • http web app using nginx and docker
  • force http -> https (locally tested)
  • nginx config tested during build
  • docker image for generating a self signed certificate and uploading to aws systems manager parameter store
  • cert is pulled into final web app image during the build process - not stored with the web app code
    • note - this is still not ideal because the keys are stored in the build artifact and final image (see todos)
  • integration with aws codecommit, codebuild, codedeploy
    • changes to web app are automatically built into an image
    • build process gets latest certs from systems parameter store
    • docker image is packaged and stored in s3
      • docker image is also stored in elastic container registry for easy retrieval
    • packaged image is deployed to host server
  • automated provisioning of the codecommit -> codebuild -> codedeploy pipeline - see pipeline.yml
  • automated provisioning of the host server and associated networking resources - see deploy-hello-world-app.yml
    • optional ssh access (via cloudformation parameter, defaults to no access over port 22)

in progress

  • clean up IAM roles
    • for the purposes of completing this POC quickly I made some of the roles more permissive than I would like them to be
    • policies should be restricted to only act on pipeline resources
    • unused policies should be removed


  • integrate with automated certificate generator like certbot
    • we want to prevent cert from being stored with app code or app image
  • add test stage to pipeline for functional testing (as opposed to configuration syntax checking)
    • python e2e tests on against running container
  • research how to handle branch builds/deploys



  • create an amazon ec2 key pair and store securely
  • s3 bucket to store cloud formation templates (ex: ntno-misc)
  • aws user with the following permissions:
    • add parameters to the systems manager parameter store
    • create/update/delete cloudformation stacks
    • write/read for the cloud formation template bucket
  • docker
  • awscli
  • aws user with codecommit permissions and credentials (can be separate or the same as the first user)
  • update the cloudformation helper script with your custom parameters (bucket name, ec2 key pair name, etc.)

Step 1

generate certificate and add to the systems manager parameter store

docker build generate-certificate \ -t generate-certificate \ --build-arg AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="$(aws configure get aws_access_key_id)" \ --build-arg AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="$(aws configure get aws_secret_access_key)" \ --build-arg AWS_REGION="$(aws configure get region)" \ --no-cache

Step 2

see for notes on parameter values

Step 3

  • connect to codecommit repo following aws instructions
  • copy contents of hello-world to the codecommit repo
    • (do not include .git files)
  • push to codecommit

Step 4

wait for pipeline to complete

Step 5

visit the public dns of the hosted app

  • region=$(aws configure get region)
  • publicDns=$(aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name app-hosting --query "Stacks[0].Outputs[?OutputKey=='PublicDns'].OutputValue" --output text)
  • curl https://$publicDns.$
  • curl -k https://$publicDns.$

note: you may need to navigate to the above address in chrome and go through the 'advanced -> proceed' before the above curl requests work correctly



regex/file parsing


see code for solution