Starred repositories
A ch341dll Wrap is for using in Python 32bits windows to access I2C SPI and MDIO (by GPIO), and Demo with display PC sreen on OLED by i2c or SPI .
The Multi-Protocol Swiss-Army-Knife for Hardware Hackers (UART/JTAG/SPI/I2C)
MCUSH application platform (personal toolkit: firmware platform, debugger, hardware, test and application framework)
本代码仓仅发布基于HX-DK商的ESP32-C3系列教程,如Bluetooth LE、Bluetooth LE MESH、WiFi等等(This Repository only releases the tutorials about HX-DK-Shang, which is based on esp32c3 , including the Bluetooth LE, Bluetooth …
zhangyouzhi / USTC-Course
Forked from USTC-Resource/USTC-Course❤️中国科学技术大学课程资源
Maker Camp in Shenzhen, powered by seeed studio Co-create meaningful and open source hardware projects in Shenzhen, explore tech ecosystem frontier, join maker network for scaling.
LMP provides an eBPF Supermarket for developers, including eBPF tools, open-source projects based on eBPF, eBPF learning materials, Linux kernel learning materials, and more.
Keil projects and libraries for STM32F4xx devices
Apache NuttX is a mature, real-time embedded operating system (RTOS)
A visual programming editor based on blockly for Arduino、Microbit、MicroPython、Python
porting linux kernel data structures to user space
A FreeRTOS Library for all Arduino ATmega Devices (Uno R3, Leonardo, Mega, etc).
Flexible Virtualization Solution for Embedded System
Tester for 4116/4164/41256 or compatible DRAM chip