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Who am I?

This is a little game like Mad Libs, which you may have played as a kid. When you open the index.html page, you'll see a random picture from, a form with a bunch of inputs, a big button, and a biography with a bunch of placeholder words in bold. You're going to finish wiring this up with JavaScript! When you're done, the player will be able to fill out the form, click the button, and see the bio with the words they entered + a random name.

This assignment will test your ability to:

  • read from the DOM
  • manipulate DOM elements
  • write to the DOM
  • work with arrays

Most of the work will be done in the index.js file, though there will also be one tweak to the index.html file.

Refer to the two codepens from class as needed:

1. Get started

  • fork this repo
  • clone your fork to your local development environment

2. Generate the person's bio

Get the values the user entered in the input elements and use them to update the output span elements in the generateBio function. This function is already set up to get called when the button is clicked (via the form's onsubmit event).


3. Get a random name for the person

  • Finish the getRandomName function: names is an array with one entry. Return the value of that single entry to complete this function.
  • Finish the setName function: use the randomName that was generated to insert the name in the h2 with id #name


4. Polish the experience

  • Make all the input fields required so the user can't submit the form without filling it out.
  • When the user clicks the button, the input fields should go away and the bio should show. The bio shouldn't be visible when the page first loads.


  • In the HTML, add the hide class to the #bio div. This will hide that div by default.
  • In the JS, at the end of the generateBio function, add the hide class to the #words form, and remove the hide class from the #bio div.
  • element.classList

5. Submission

  • Deploy your site via
  • In Google Classroom, submit a Google Doc with a link to your site and a link to your repo

Note: you do not need to do a pull request against this repo for this project.

Bonus Challenge

Using separate ids for each input and output span (e.g. word-01, output-word-01) is very explicit and understandable, but it also feels a bit verbose. We could use arrays instead to simplify things, because the order of the inputs is the same as the order of the outputs:

  • use document.querySelectorAll to get an array of all of the inputs, and another array of all of the outputs (hint: use the class name instead of the id)
  • use a for loop to assign the values from the inputs to the outputs
  • remove all the ids that you don't need anymore from the HTML
  • profit 💸


BOT Intermediate Web Development Final Assignment






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