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Template Flutter application with clean architecture structure

FVM Installation

Getting Started

  • Flutter version using : 3.0.1 (stable at 20/5/2022)
  • Dart version using : 2.17.1
  • Platform android : 32, Build-tools : 32.1.0-rc1
  • Java version OpenJDK 11.0.12
  • Gradle version 7.2
  • Build:gradle 7.1.3
  • XCode: 13.4
  • CocoaPods version 1.11.3

Configure Firebase Multi Flavor

Step 1 : Install Firebase CLI with npm : "npm install -g firebase-tools"

Step 2 : Login to firebase account : "firebase login"

Step 3 : Install FlutterFire CLI with this command : "dart pub global activate flutterfire_cli"

Step 4 : Configure multi flavor with:

Run command "flutterfire configure -i packageName -a packageName -o lib/firebase/firebase_options_{flavor}.dart" for each flavor.

Dev: "flutterfire configure -i -o lib/firebase/firebase_options_dev.dart"

Staging: "flutterfire configure -i com.example.flutterTempByNqh.staging -a com.example.flutter_temp_by_nqh.staging -o lib/firebase/firebase_options_staging.dart"

Production: "flutterfire configure -i com.example.flutterTempByNqh -a com.example.flutter_temp_by_nqh-o lib/firebase/firebase_options.dart"

Other configure:

Documentation at :

Configuration Environment Running

  • ANDROID STUDIO Step 1 : Open " Run => Edit Configuration in Android Studio"

Step 2 : Create new Configuration with build flavor value is :

  • Develop Environment : dev
  • Staging Environment : staging
  • Production Environment : production

Command need to run before run app

  • Please run script "" in terminal (On MacOS if can't run this script please try "sh")


Build APK

  • flutter build apk --flavor {flavorOnStep2}

Build IPA without archive on Xcode

  • flutter build ipa --flavor {flavorOnStep2} --export-options-plist=ios/Runner/ExportOptions.plist

Project architecture (Clean Architecture Approach)

  1. Why:
    • We want to separate what type of database that we use for storage (might want to change it later on)
    • To adhere SOLID principles since we are using OOP for this project.
    • Ensuring UI layers don't know what is going on at data layer at all.
    • Might want to separate each layers into different packages.
  2. Presentation - Domain - Data.
  3. Presentation layer consist of
    • Widgets
    • BLoC
      • Bloc only manages UI state based on business logic
  4. Domain layer (Business logic layer)
    • Repositories (interfaces aka idea how the logic would behave)
    • Entities (or models which what UI needs)
    • Usecases (user stories)
      • Typically one function, but can be more if they are functionality related.
      • Remember, one class for one responsibility.
  5. Data layer
    • Data Sources
      • remotes (API)
      • locals (Database)
    • Models
      • request
      • response
    • Repositories (Implementation from Domain layer)
  6. More insight of layers image
  7. The inner layer should NOT know what the outer layer has / do.
  8. Reference:
    2. (We don't use this plugin)

Project Structure

|--.fvm                                              # fvm config using for project
|   |--fvm_config.json                               # config file
|--android                                           # android project dir
|--assets                                            # application all assets
|   |--images                                        # application image assets
|   |--fonts                                         # application font assets
|--fastlane                                          # config ci/cd using fastlane
|--ios                                               # ios dir
|--lib                                               # main project dart lib entry point
|   |--app                                           # application layer for clean architecture 
|   |   |--core                                      # core folder include string extension,...
|   |   |--di                                        # dependencies injection registration for project
|   |   |--manager                                   # manager folder include style manager, other resource manager
|   |   |--multi-languages                           # localization for project, using easy_localization and google sheet generator csv
|   |   |--route                                     # route config for project, include generateRoute and route define all screen of project
|   |   |--utils                                     # utils for application layer
|   |   |--app.dart                                  # library app_layer using for import and combine most of application layer files
|   |--data                                          # data layer for clean architecture 
|   |   |--login                                     # login feature folder
|   |   |   |--api                                   # api folder
|   |   |   |   |--login_api.dart                    # login abstract class for retrofit
|   |   |   |   |--login_api.g.dart                  # login generator class for retrofit
|   |   |   |--models                                # models folder for data layer
|   |   |   |   |--request                           # request model folder
|   |   |   |   |--response                          # response model folder
|   |   |   |--repositories                          # repositories folder for data layer
|   |   |   |   |--login_repository_impl             # repository impl will extend from login_repository abstract class
|   |   |--utils                                     # utils for data layer
|   |   |   |--exceptions                            # custom exception for data layer
|   |   |   |--interceptors                          # custom interceptors for data layer
|   |--domain                                        # domain layer for clean architecture 
|   |   |--login                                     # login domain feature folder
|   |   |   |--entities                              # entities folder
|   |   |   |   |--user_entity.dart                  # user entity will extends from login_response.dart
|   |   |   |--repositories                          # abstract class for login feature
|   |   |   |--usecases                              # usecases for login feature
|   |--firebase                                      # firebase config for app that generated by Firebase CLI 
|   |--presentation                                  # presentation layer for clean architecture 
|   |   |--common                                    # common widget or common screen
|   |   |--login                                     # login presentation layer
|   |   |   |--bloc                                  # login bloc for whole login screen
|   |   |   |--ui                                    # ui folder for login feature
|   |   |   |   |--login_screen.dart                 # login ui frame
|   |   |   |   |--widgets                           # widgets folder for nested widget in login feature
|   |   |   |--login_route.dart                      # login route class define BlocProvider for Bloc class of login feature
|   |--main.dart                                     # main config Material App and runApp
|--test                                              # unit test
|--.gitignore                                        # ignore file of git
|                                         # ReadMe for this project
|--analysis_options.yaml                             # lint rule configuration, config rule here
|--.gitlab-ci.yml                                    # config ci/cd for gitlab
|--pubspec.yaml                                      # dart package management file, add new dependencies here
|                                     # Script set up app before run app
|                              # Script set up environment variable to display on ci/cd
|                                # Script set up fastlane config before run ci/cd
|                                # Script build android on local


  1. We are using get_it for injections. It is fun because we can start the service locator and use it everywhere when needed because they are injected at top-level in main.dart.
  2. Only use it upon initialization
    loginUseCase: LoginUseCase(getIt<LoginRepositoryImpl>()),

and use it on route

    create: (_) => getIt.get<LoginBloc>(),

for reusing the BLoC,

    value: getIt.get<PumpsBloc>(),

for usage (in Widgets), always use<PumpsBloc>().add(AddPumps());

instead of


For non widget usage, manually inject the object on initialization.


We are using Easy Localization to handle multi-languages. Using Google Sheet Generator on cloud will take less effort for change and update key and value. Only need update in google sheet file.

Google sheet sample on this project : ""

Step to set-up google sheet :

1 : Create a CSV Google Sheet with form like that form "" 2 : Enable share for anyone have this link 3 : on file locale_keys.dart in lib/utils/multi-languages/locale_keys.dart change docId annotation with your google sheet docid Example of DocID is : " (it's docId) /edit#gid=1013756643" 4 : run terminal : "flutter pub run build_runner build" to generate .g.dart localization file 5 : When update new value on google sheet should update plus one version on SheetLocalization at locale_keys.dart and run "flutter packages pub run build_runner build" again to get new file csv Step to use multi-languages import in code:

Remember import file "multi_languages_utils.dart" instead of "locale_keys.dart" because first file already import library easy_localization extension,you no need to use 2 import

Using : (tr() is using to change languages with current languages setup, remember have it)

Link library : Link plugin generate csv from google sheet : locale_keys.dart and run "flutter packages pub run build_runner build" again to get new file csv

Step to use multi-languages import in code:

  • Remember import file "multi_languages_utils.dart" instead of "locale_keys.dart" because first file already import library easy_localization extension,you no need to use 2 import

  • Using : (tr() is using to change languages with current languages setup, remember have it)

Link library : Link plugin generate csv from google sheet :

Json parsing / serialization

This project is implementing json_serializable. It use build_runner to generate files. If you make a change to these files, you need to re-run the generator using build_runner:

flutter pub run build_runner build

generator using build_runner and remove conflict file :

flutter pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs

Dio Interceptor

  • This project using pretty_dio_logger for display log in console and alice inspector http request in UI for debugging.


  • Image is handled by flutter_gen for auto-complete and not have to deal with typing mistakes.
  • To setup flutter_gen, run dart pub global activate flutter_gen

Adding new Assets

  • Add asset(s) into assets/<asset types>
  • Run flutter pub run build_runner build in console
  • New image(s) will appear in lib/gen/assets

Remove Asset(s)

  • Delete assets from assets/<asset types>
  • Run flutter pub run build_runner build in console
  • lib/gen/assets will be updated with currently available assets.

How to change version number and version code :

  • Go to pubspec.yaml => line version to change :
  • Example : 1.0.10+3 => Version name : 1.0.10, Version code : 3

Step to change package name

  • We using library change_app_package_name for easy and fast to change all package name on android and IOS
  • Using terminal : flutter pub run change_app_package_name:main "newPackageName"
  • Example : flutter pub run change_app_package_name:main com.domain.newApp

Using fastlane

  • Require JAVAHOME (JDK 11
  • Install Ruby (
  • run script (First time run)
  • bundle exec fastlane android buildAndroidLocal --env dev (Development environment)
  • bundle exec fastlane android distribute --env dev (Development environment Distribute)
  • bundle exec fastlane ios buildIOS --env dev (Development environment)
  • bundle exec fastlane ios getProvision --env dev (Get provision development environment)


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