Placeholder plugin for vim done right
Important: If you want the dot operator (repeating) to work, you need to also install vim-repeat!
See :help snap.txt
in vim for detailed help.
No bindings are enabled by default, but below are the recommended mappings (that I use). You can see the bindings at work in the above animated gif.
Key Binding | Action |
Meta+; | insert a placeholder |
Meta+: | insert a reminder |
Meta+l | snap to next placeholder |
Meta+L | repeat snap on next placeholder |
Meta+h | snap to previous placeholder |
Meta+H | repeat snap on previous placeholder |
I achieve that with the following configuration:
" insert placeholder
imap <m-;> <plug>(snapSimple)
" insert reminder
imap <m-:> <plug>(snapText)
" snap to next placeholder
imap <m-l> <plug>(snapNext)
nmap <m-l> <plug>(snapNext)
xmap <m-l> <plug>(snapNext)
smap <m-l> <plug>(snapNext)
omap <m-l> <plug>(snapNext)
" repeat last snap on next placeholder
imap <m-L> <plug>(snapRepeatNext)
nmap <m-L> <plug>(snapRepeatNext)
xmap <m-L> <plug>(snapRepeatNext)
smap <m-L> <plug>(snapRepeatNext)
" snap to previous placeholder
imap <m-h> <plug>(snapPrev)
nmap <m-h> <plug>(snapPrev)
xmap <m-h> <plug>(snapPrev)
smap <m-h> <plug>(snapPrev)
omap <m-h> <plug>(snapPrev)
" repeat last snap on previous placeholder
imap <m-H> <plug>(snapRepeatPrev)
nmap <m-H> <plug>(snapRepeatPrev)
xmap <m-H> <plug>(snapRepeatPrev)
smap <m-H> <plug>(snapRepeatPrev)
There are so many <plug>
mappings so you can pick whichever bindings you want
and don't have to use whatever bindings I hard-code. Flexibility is important.
Vim cannot bind meta keys properly out of the box. However, you can force vim to bind meta keys properly by sticking this near the top of your vimrc:
" set up Meta to work properly for most keys in terminal vim
if !has('nvim') && !has('gui_running')
" PROBLEMS: not possible to map Meta with Arrow Keys or Tab (etc)
" PROBLEMS: 32 (space), 62 (>), 91 ([), 93 (])
for ord in range(33,61)+range(63,90)+[92]+range(94,126)
let char = ord is 34 ? '\"' : ord is 124 ? '\|' : nr2char(ord)
exec printf("set <m-%s>=\<esc>%s", char, char)
if exists(':tnoremap') " fix terminal control sequences
exec printf("tnoremap <silent> <m-%s> <esc>%s", char, char)
" PROBLEMS: <c-up>,<c-down> do not work in any terminal
" set up <c-left> and <c-right> properly
exe "set <c-right>=\<esc>[1;5C"
exe "set <c-left>=\<esc>[1;5D"
" NOTE: if above don't work, compare with ctrl-v + CTRL-{LEFT,RIGHT} in INSERT mode
" NOTE: use "map <m-\|>" or "map <m-bar>" to map <bar> (|)
Be sure to test to make sure this works. For example, try :nnoremap <m-h> :echo 'Hello world!'<cr>
then type Meta+h.
The placeholder text is fully customizable. See :help g:snap#text
For example, you can make it look like «⋄»
and «⋄→reminder»
with the
following configuration:
let g:snap#text = ['«⋄', '→', '»']
If you want the reminder text to be inserted and then selected in Select-mode
when snapping to a reminder (see :help g:snap#select
), then use the following:
let g:snap#select = 1