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notahat edited this page Aug 23, 2010 · 10 revisions

Once you’ve defined a blueprint for a class, you use the make method to construct objects of that class.

Post.make  # Returns a new Posts.

Overriding Attributes

You can override attributes defined in the blueprint by passing them in to make.

Post.make(:title => "Custom Title")

Machinist won’t construct objects for attributes you override:

Comment.blueprint do
  post { Post.make }

Comment.make(:post => nil) # This won't make a post.

Making Multiple Objects

You can make an array of several objects by passing a count to make.

Post.make(3)  # Returns an array of 3 posts.


If you’re making an ActiveRecord object, and you want it to be saved to the database, call make!.

Post.make!  # Makes and saves a post.

make! will intelligently cache objects. Read more about Object Caching.

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