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Peter Arnell Knowledgebase

Super Search

super_search/mod.super_search.php line 7862 Added error supressing @ at beginning of line so wouldn't throw PHP errors to logged in Super Admins when searching multiple words.

Wygwam / CKEditor

Added config.scayt_autoStartup = true; to /themes/third_paty/wgywam/lib/ckeditor/config.js.

Remove Channel Images icon in Wygwam fields by default

In ext.channel_images.php, around line 60, change to:

//if (isset($config['extraPlugins']) != FALSE)
if (isset($config['extraPlugins']) != FALSE && strpos($config['extraPlugins'],'channelimages') !== FALSE )
    //$config['extraPlugins'] .= ',channelimages';
    $config['toolbar'][] = array('ChannelImages');

Then in channels where the CI plugin is required, add channelimages to the extraPlugins setting for that Wygwam field.

See here for more.


I enabled additional reorder options by setting the boolean switch to true on line 40 of mcp.structure.php