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The Noc Programming Language

This repository contains the Noc interpreter and the Noc Standard Library.

Noc versions

To get Noc, check the Installation guide.

The Noc latest version

This version was rewritten partially (check this section) in C to embark a VM and it's not longer maintained, there are still some bugs or lack of features:

  • callstack not works with recursive functions calls
  • cannot format quotes
  • cannot operate big ints (Arbitrary precision integers)

The Noc v0.1.0.0

This version is more operational but slower than the latest version because it's fully interpreted.

In this version, theses functions are defined in these modules:

Module Functions
prelude putchar
seq pushr, popr, unquote
char chr, ord
sys args, catch

Some examples


def fact = {
     [[0] [pop 1]]
     [[_] [dup 1 - fact *]]
   ] case

def main = {
  6 fact print


load std:stack
load std:bool

def readInput = {"Choose a number: " ask}

def mysteryNumber = { 45 }

def greaterOrLess = {
        [[mysteryNumber] ["You won !" print]]
        [[_] [
            ["Less!" print readInput int greaterOrLess] ["Greater!" print readInput int greaterOrLess] 3 -1 rotNM mysteryNumber < if 
    ] case

def main = {
    readInput int greaterOrLess


load seq
load std:string
/* in the latest version the functions of the 'char' module are integrated in the Noc Prelude */
load char
load std:stack
load std:io
load sys

def caesar = {
        [[[cipher]] [
                [ord swap dup 3 -1 rotNM + chr swap] step
        [[[decipher]] [
                [ord swap dup 3 -1 rotNM swap - chr swap] step
        [[_] ["error." putstrln 1 exit]]
    ] case

    popr pop swap quote swap <> tostr

def encrypt = {
    [cipher] caesar

def decrypt = {
    [decipher] caesar

def main = {
    /* [offset] [msg in array of chars] [encrypt/decrypt] */
    3 "Hello"$ encrypt print
    3 "Khoor"$ decrypt print


  • Stack-based language
  • An embbeded REPL (only v0.1.0.0)
  • Running in VM (only the latest version)
  • A list of combinators for the stack manipulation
  • Typed dynamically
  • Homoiconic (quotes)
  • Provides a module system
  • Includes a STD (Standard Library)
  • Pattern matching



To contribute to The Noc Programming Language, you can add an issue to report some bugs, ask for a new feature, questions, etc... Or you can fork this repository to evolve her with the pull requests.