Mockingbird is a light-weighted website-building system far more than merely a blog system. There is a admin dashboard where you can configure your site or add/remove/modify html files easily.
- Search Engine Optimizaiont
Let your sites be extremely SEO friendly.
- Better Performance
With all pages html file, they make your site even faster than ever.
- one sub-category only
we assume your sites' subcategories to be one level. Limit your sites' subcategories will alse improve SEO ability.
- 默认登陆超时session为10个小时,在/src/check.php 里修改;
- 数据库信息在/src/dbConfig.php 里设置;
- 日志摘要留空,则日志不会出现在日志列表页面;
- 日志文件名不能是index
- 删除一个分类的方法:先把分类下的日志全部删除(此时日志的html也都删除了),再删除此分类(分类下的index被删除,然后目录被删除)
- 注册用户有三种状态:1. 未激活邮箱(inactive)2.已激活能正常使用(active)3.需要审核(waitApproved)
- 保存日志之后会自动发布日志的html文件,并更新同目录下的index.htm文件
- 使用本系统需要修改网站服务器为,以apache(httpd.conf)为例,把网站根目录设置为htdocs目录,admin目录设置为上层的src目录: <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName ServerAlias DocumentRoot /Users/luhua/mysites/blogDev/src/htdocs Alias /admin /Users/luhua/mysites/blogDev/src <Directory /Users/luhua/mysites/blogDev/src> Options Indexes MultiViews AllowOverride None Order allow,deny Allow from all