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Nathan Moschkin edited this page Aug 23, 2020 · 1 revision

PrinterDeviceInfo Class

Describes a printer.

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: DataTools.Interop.Printers
Assembly: DTInterop (in DTInterop.dll) Version: 4.0.2015.905 (4.0.2015.905)



public class PrinterDeviceInfo : DeviceInfo


Public Class PrinterDeviceInfo
	Inherits DeviceInfo

The PrinterDeviceInfo type exposes the following members.



Name Description
Public method PrinterDeviceInfo Initializes a new instance of the PrinterDeviceInfo class
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Name Description
Public propertyStatic member AllPrinters Returns the list of all system printers.
Public property BusType Returns the type of bus that the device is hosted on. (Inherited from DeviceInfo.)
Public property Characteristics Retrieves any device characteristcs associated with the device. (Inherited from DeviceInfo.)
Public property Children Returns all child instance ids of this device. (Inherited from DeviceInfo.)
Public property ClassDescription Gets the device class description. (Inherited from DeviceInfo.)
Public property ClassName Gets the device class name. (Inherited from DeviceInfo.)
Public property ContainerId Gets the hardware container Id. (Inherited from DeviceInfo.)
Public property Description Gets the description of the device. (Inherited from DeviceInfo.)
Public property DeviceClass Gets the device class type. (Inherited from DeviceInfo.)
Public property DeviceClassDescription Returns a detailed description of the device class. (Inherited from DeviceInfo.)
Public property DeviceClassGuid Gets the device class guid. (Inherited from DeviceInfo.)
Public property DeviceClassIcon Gets the device class icon. (Inherited from DeviceInfo.)
Public property DeviceIcon Retrieve a WPF BitmapSource image for use in binding. (Inherited from DeviceInfo.)
Public property DeviceInterfaceClass Gets the device class type. (Inherited from DeviceInfo.)
Public property DeviceInterfaceClassGuid Gets the device interface class guid. (Inherited from DeviceInfo.)
Public property DevicePath Get the physical device path that can be used by CreateFile (Inherited from DeviceInfo.)
Public property FriendlyName Gets the friendly name for the device (Inherited from DeviceInfo.)
Public property HardwareIds Gets all hardware Ids. Hardware Ids contain extractable data, including but not limited to device vendor id, device product id and USB HID page implementations. (Inherited from DeviceInfo.)
Public property InstallDate Retrieves the install date for the device. (Inherited from DeviceInfo.)
Public property InstanceId Gets the device instance id which is unique and can be passed to RunDLL property sheet functions and to match children with their parents. (Inherited from DeviceInfo.)
Public property LinkedChildren Array of linked child DeviceInfo objects. (Inherited from DeviceInfo.)
Public property LinkedParent The linked parent DeviceInfo object. (Inherited from DeviceInfo.)
Public property LocationInfo Gets location information. (Inherited from DeviceInfo.)
Public property LocationPaths Gets all hardware location paths. (Inherited from DeviceInfo.)
Public property Manufacturer Gets the manufacturer. (Inherited from DeviceInfo.)
Public property ModelId Gets the Model Id. (Inherited from DeviceInfo.)
Public property Parent Returns the parent instance id of this device. (Inherited from DeviceInfo.)
Public property PDOName Gets the PDO name. This value is used to match physical disk device instances with their respective interfaces. (Inherited from DeviceInfo.)
Public property PhysicalPath Gets the binary physical path. (Inherited from DeviceInfo.)
Public property Pid Gets the product id raw number. (Inherited from DeviceInfo.)
Public property PrinterInfo Returns the detailed printer information object.
Public property ProductId Gets the product Id string, which may or may not be a number. If it is a number, it is returned as a 4-character (WORD) hexadecimal string. (Inherited from DeviceInfo.)
Public property RemovalPolicy Specifies the removal policy of the device. (Inherited from DeviceInfo.)
Public property SafeRemovalRequired Specifies whether or not the device must be removed safely. (Inherited from DeviceInfo.)
Public property UINumber Gets the UINumber (Inherited from DeviceInfo.)
Public property VendorId Gets the vendor Id string, which may or may not be a number. If it is a number, it is returned as a 4-character (WORD) hexadecimal string. (Inherited from DeviceInfo.)
Public property Vid Gets the vendor id raw number. (Inherited from DeviceInfo.)
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Name Description
Protected method Finalize Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection. (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetHashCode Serves as the default hash function. (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic member GetPrinterFromName Returns a PrinterDeviceInfo object based on the printer name.
Public method GetType Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method ParseHw Parses the hardware Id. (Inherited from DeviceInfo.)
Public methodStatic member RefreshPrinters Refreshes the list of all system printers.
Public method ShowDevicePropertiesDialog Display the system device properties dialog page for this device. (Inherited from DeviceInfo.)
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See Also


DataTools.Interop.Printers Namespace

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