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Creating and listing issues

Julius edited this page Oct 22, 2017 · 1 revision

Creating issues

Issues can be created using gitlab issue create command. Available parameters:

  -t, --title          Required. Title of issue.

  -d, --description    Description of issue.

  -l, --labels         Labels of issue. Separated by ','.

  -a, --assignee       Assignee of issue.

  --assign-myself      Assigns issue to current user.

  -p, --project        GitLab project name.

  --help               Display this help screen.

  --version            Display version information.

Listing issues

Issues can be listed using gitlab issue list command. Available parameters:

  -l, --labels        Labels of issue. Separated by ','.

  --assigned-to-me    Assigns issue to current user.

  -a, --assignee      Assignee of issue.

  -p, --project       GitLab project name.

  --help              Display this help screen.

  --version           Display version information.
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