This plugin lets you save the current file to a predefined location. I built this to be used alongside contemplate.nvim
, which I use to quickly create files.
Using packer.nvim:
use { 'nkhlmn/gore.nvim' }
Ensure the extension is loaded in your neovim config:
Define the plugin config as a global variable:
vim.g.gore_config = {
-- Define your categories
categories = {
['sandbox'] = {
name = 'Sandbox', folder = '~/development/sandbox'
['nvim_lua'] = {
name = 'Neovim Lua Scripts', folder = '~/development/nvim_lua'
Call :Gore <arg> <filename>
to save the current file,
where <arg>
is a key in vim.g.gore_config.categories
and <filename>
If <filename>
is not provided, the current filename will be used. If not provided, it will use the current filename's extension.
If no arguments are provided and telescope.nvim
is installed, a picker will be opened with your configured categories.
" Assuming the current file being edited is a lua script named `nvim_lua-20221106T145630.lua`
" and the categories are configured like in the example config above
" Saves a copy of the current file to ~/development/nvim_lua/nvim_lua-20221106T145630.lua
:Gore sandbox
" Saves a copy of the current file to ~/development/nvim_lua/my_awesome_script.lua
:Gore nvim_lua my_awesome_script " The file extension of the existing file will be used if not provided
" or
:Gore nvim_lua my_awesome_script.lua
- Prompt for filename in telescope picker?