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This repository is for our submission.


1. We use Hyperledger Fabric v2.2 as the default blockchain.

  1. HyperLedger Fabric v2.2.x LTS
  2. Download this repository, and merge BEAS/fabric-samples with the HyperLedger fabric-samples directory.
Network Setup:
$  cd fabric-samples/blockchain-network
$  ./ fedchain

2. Each client has a lightweight server based on node.js listening and processing requests off the chain.

  1. Create a working dictionary in fabric-samples
$  cd fabric-samples/offchain-server
  1. Install server dependancies:
$  npm install
  1. Run web server for each client:
$  node client.js
  1. Install Caliper dependancies:
$  npm install --only=prod @hyperledger/caliper-cli
$  npx caliper bind --caliper-bind-sut fabric:2.1

3. We start multiple client processes for local training.

  1. Start 10 clients
$ ./ 10
  1. End
$ ./

4. To facilitate the performance comparison of various federated learning methods, we implemented an off-chain version to simplify operation.

  1. Modify the hyperparameters in ./config/conf.json
  2. Run the script such as:
$  python -c ./config/conf.json

5. We plot the convergence comparison with based on the results in ./offchain/offchain-train/results