Hello, and welcome to my GitHub profile! I'm Dedicated to lifelong learning, I continuously seek out new technologies, tools, and libraries to enhance my skill set. Effectively merge hands-on development expertise with a commitment to teaching.
Visit my web-site: https://aboutnil.vercel.app/
Programming Languages: |
javaScript β’ typeScript β’ goLang
Frontend |
react.js β’ next.js β’ redux β’ html β’ css β’ javaScript β’ figma
Backend |
node.js β’ express.js β’ graphQL
GitLab β’ jenkins β’ docker
Styling |
css β’ sass β’ tailwind β’ materialUI β’ bootstrap β’ styled-components
Testing |
Database |
SQLite β’ sequelize β’ mongoDB β’ postgreSQL
Tools |
webstorm β’ vscode β’ git β’ netlify β’ vercel β’ postman