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Getting started

this repo uses turpo repo to manage the monorepo for more information check up the docs

  • make sure you have node.js version 20.x.x

  • make sure you have pnpm installed npm i -g pnpm@8

  • in the root install deps pnpm install

  • create .env cp .env.example .env

  • run all packages in dev mode pnpm run dev

  • prototype the database schema pnpm db:push

  • you can check swagger docs in http:https://localhost:3000/api#/

manage database

  • if you want to seed the database with random data(users/workspaces/apps/...) pnpm db:seed seed will generate admin the following credentials, and any other user with the password password

        email: '[email protected]',
        username: 'admin',
        password: 'superadmin',
  • if you don't need to seed database with random data use pnpm db:seed:prod it will fill the database with only the requried data for the backend to operate(permissions/data sources/..)

  • If you want to update data sources configuration use pnpm db:syncDss it will update the data sources configuration in the database


  • to start docs server in dev mode run pnpm dev:docs in the root or in apps/docs run pnpm start

  • to build docs in the root run build:docs

please check for more information on how to contribute(branch names/ commit messages and so on)