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  • This work represents the progress of a TU Berlin class during my master studies
  • It is based on the paper and implementation of "Ensemble pruning based on objection maximization with a general distributed framework" by Bian, Yijun, et al. from 2019 (Visit their repo:
  • I've build a wrapper around their implementation to tackle the proposed task (ensemble pruning on already trained sematic segmentation decision tree classifiers)
  • This code is not intended to be used as a module (clearly just a pipeline for using EPFD)
  • The segmentation was done with the data from the 2018 IEEE GRSS Data Fusion Challenge:
  • I use Weights&Biases to track and launch my experiments (therefore it has limitations as described in the FAQ)
  • I publish the pipeline code under BSD 3-Clause License (Note: EPFD itself is published under MIT)

Prerequisites and commands

Having python3, pip and Git LFS installed

  • sudo apt install git-lfs python3-pip

Cloned this repo and checked out all submodules

  • git submodule update --init --recursive

Installed and upgraded pip and W&B

  • python3 -m pip install -q -U pip wandb

Logged in to your W&B account

  • wandb login

Prepared environment

  • bash

Logged into the container and executed data preparation once (sending artifacts to W&B)

  • docker exec -it epfd bash
  • ipython
  • exit

Started a sweep (e.g. '2pwlb1oe') with your account and project (e.g. 'nicojahn/htcv')

  • wandb agent nicojahn/htcv/2pwlb1oe

Evaluated after all experiments have finished

  • docker exec -it epfd bash
  • jupyter nbconvert --to script evaluation.ipynb
  • ipython
  • exit


  • The methods 'COMEP' and 'DOMEP' as presented by Bian, Yijun, et al. are great(ish)
  • They have approximation factors, which can guarantee you at least 50% (for COMEP) of the optimal solution (with respect to the first randomly chosen ensemble member)
  • BUT: This method takes a lot of computations (quadratic increase with the input classifier sizes and ensemble size) and was therefore not feasible to prune from 140 classifiers in a reasonable amount of time on a CPU (5 out of 140 ~= 3.5 hours and 7 out of 140 ~= 8 hours)


The data is not directly accessible?

  • It isn't, because i do not own the data we optimized on (needs a LICENSE) and i don't want to expose the test API
  • Train your own classifiers and structure them in a similar fashion as shown in 'data_tree.txt'

It doesn't run out-of-the-box!

  • Sure, as i performed my experiments with Weights&Biases (
  • You probably need an account to perform the same actions as i did (the free tier is enough)
  • With the account you also need to change the "entity" in all notebooks and might also adapt the "project"
  • In the "evaluation" notebook you also need to adapt the sweep names to run the evaluation

Have you any experimental results?

  • I've added a JSON file ('experiment_output.json') to give you the opportunity to have a look into the quality etc.
  • Also the notebook 'evaluation.ipynb' was left uncleared, to give you a perspective on more parameters/behaviours and to keep the latex output for me to copy later on if necessary


The pipeline wrapper for the EPDF framework







No releases published
