Libraries needed to run this code
BioBERT version = 1.0
python version = 3.5
keras_bert version = 0.71.0
keras version = 2.1.5
tensorflow version = 1.12.0
numpy version = 1.15.4
You need to modify the code of the keras_bert library yourself to change the bert model output to an average pooling of the last four transformer outputs.
- function:def encode():
if max_len is not None:
pad_len = max_len - first_len - second_len
token_ids += [self._pad_index] * pad_len
segment_ids += [0] * pad_lenmask1 = [0]*250 mask2 = [0]*250 for i in range(0,250): if token_ids[i]==3852 and token_ids[i+1]==1777: mask1[i+1] = 1 if token_ids[i]==3852 and token_ids[i+1]==1479: mask2[i+1] = 1 return token_ids, segment_ids, mask1, mask2
2. function:def load_trained_model_from_checkpoint(... output_layer_num=4, ...)
3. function:get_model():
if len(outputs) > 1:
#transformed = keras.layers.Concatenate(name='Encoder-Output')(list(reversed(outputs)))
transformed = keras.layers.Average(list(reversed(outputs)))
transformed = outputs[0]
return inputs, transformed
How to run
- Download BioBERT model from, and copy it to the BioBERTModel Folder, note that the corresponding file should be placed in the corresponding folder.
- Download DDI2013 Corpus and copy it to the Corpus Folder, note that the corresponding file should be placed in the corresponding folder.
- Use a crawler to download the description documents of the drugs in the corpus from Wikipedia and drugbank, then use Doc2Vec model to change them into vectors, then put the result to the DrugDocumentEmbedding folder, we provide our results as an example doc_embedding_matrix.rar.
- Run to preprocess the corpus, we provide our results as an example trainCsentence_token.txt and testCsentence_token.txt.
- Run to get the BERT tokens of the corpus, results save as .pkl.
- Run to run the model, the weights of the model will be saved in the model folder, the PRF values will be saved in the res_log folder.