Jupyter-notebooks with NLP homeworks solutions from HSE FCS and MIPT courses.
embeddings.ipynb: question similarity and ranking with quora dataset
language_model.ipynb: POS-tagging Markov chain model
texts.ipynb and texts2.ipynb: symbol generation language model and classification with RIA News dataset
lenta.ipynb: topic classification with lenta.ru dataset
embdngs_cls_cnn.ipynb: exploration, w2v and fasstext embeddings, visualisations, fasttext and cnn classification
seq2seq.ipynb: seq2seq with attention from scratch
bert.ipynb: using BERT from HuggingFace
texts_ummarization.ipynb: extractive text summarization with fasttext sentence embedding with The Stanford Sentiment Treebank dataset and classification and semantic simmilarity with Quora Question Pairs dataset
signal_processing.ipynb: binary Gender speech classification with TIMIT dataset. Using fine tunning ResNet50 and augmentations.
qa.ipynb: question Answering with BoolQ dataset
ner.ipynb: sklearn crf and deeppavlov ner_bert_rus
bert_mlm_entailment.ipynb: BERT trained as MLM on GPU for entailment task