Brief App Overview
This is a demo app that uses a Foreground Service to perform long running Wifi Scans and sends this data to an imaginary Api.
The WorkManager was used to schedule these periodic Wifi Scans for RSSI values.
The UI is meant to display the latest queried Received Signal Strength Indicator values, and the corresponding SSID name.
Solution Considerations
- MVVM Architecture Pattern
- Segregation of the app into the following layers:
(1) UI Layer - this is where we have views like Activities/Fragments
(2) Domain Layer - this is where we have ViewModels
(3) Data Layer - this is where we have our repositories and data sources (WifiManager) - Ability to test the above mentioned layers
- Use of WorkManager for scheduling tasks
Mechanism for demonstrating the application making requests
Two approaches have been used:
(1) The RSSI values are displayed in the MainActivity UI within 15 minutes (this is the min time WorkManager enforces between tasks)(2) Check Logcat statements using the filter: "OkHttpClient". The Json payload for the network request and response are logged.
Testing Instructions
In Android Studio, find the "test" folder which exists under "src" directory
Right click this folder and select "Run 'Tests in ''"
Alternatively run the below command in the Terminal:
./gradlew test