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A small DPDK telemetry exporter


Run in docker

The recommended way when running locally. Remember to mount the dpdk run dir as a volume and add extra options to the command line, e.g.:

$ docker run --rm --name exporter -p 8000:8000 -v /var/run/dpdk/:/var/run/dpdk/ nfvri/dpdk-telemetry-exporter:0.1 dpdkTelemetryExporter -vvv -T 5

Run as Kubernetes pod sidecar

To run as a sidecar, add the exporter container to your Deployment/Statefulset/Daemonset definition with mount access to the dpdk run directory (usually /var/run/dpdk) as follows:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
      - name: telemetry-exporter
        imagePullPolicy: Always
        image: nfvri/dpdk-telemetry-exporter:0.1
        command: ["dpdkTelemetryExporter"]
        args: ["-vvv"]
           - mountPath: /var/run/dpdk/
             name: dpdkrun-volume
            memory: "1Gi"
            cpu: "1000m"
            memory: "1Gi"
            cpu: "1000m"
          - containerPort: 8000

Then assuming you have a Prometheus-operator deployment, use a Service and ServiceMonitor to specify a target to the exporter (be careful to match the appropriate labels/namespaces for your case):

kind: ServiceMonitor
  name: dpdk-deployment-monitor
  namespace: monitoring
    app: dpdk
    release: k8s-prom
  - port: metrics
    path: /
    interval: "5s"
    scrapeTimeout: "5s"
      - dpdk
      app: dpdk

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: dpdk-deployment-svc
  namespace: dpdk
    app: dpdk
  - name: metrics
    port: 8000
    protocol: TCP
    app: dpdk

Install and run locally

Please prefer to run from the docker image. If local installation is absolutely necessary, you can install the exporter with:

$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y python3 python3-pip

$ python3 install

You can then run it with:

$ dpdkTelemetryExporter -h
usage: DPDKTelemetryExporter [-h] [-t THREADS] [-p PORT] [-T TIMEOUT] [-v]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -t THREADS, --threads THREADS
                        DPDKTelemetryExporter parallel threads (default: 8)
  -p PORT, --port PORT  DPDKTelemetryExporter port (default: 8000)
  -T TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT
                        The update interval in seconds (default 5)
  -v, --verbose         Set output verbosity (default: -vv = INFO)

Command-line arguments

Short Long Arguments Description
-h help None Show usage and exit.
-t threads Number of threads (int) The number of parallel threads. This will impact the collection speed when there are many sockets from which the exporter has to gather metrics in parallel.
-p port Port number (int) The port number on which to expose metrics (default 8000).
-T timeout Number of seconds (int) The number of seconds between collections (i.e. the update interval). Default is 5 (seconds) but you can modify it to your needs.
-v verbose None Specify multiple times to set log level (default is -vv=INFO, use -vvv for DEBUG).

Environment variables

If you have set the dpdk run directory to an "odd" (i.e. not /var/run/dpdk) location, you can specify it by setting the DPDK_RUN_DIR environment variable to make the telemetry socket discoverable by the exporter.

Exported metrics

The exporter understands (and re-wraps to proper Prometheus types) the following metrics (if available):

Metric name Type Label names Description
dpdk_telemetry_busy_percent Gauge 'socket', 'port', 'aggregate' A business percentage, i.e. an indication of the amount of work the dpdk application performs.
dpdk_telemetry_idle_status Gauge 'socket', 'type', 'direction', 'port', 'aggregate' Idle status as collected (0,1).
dpdk_telemetry_polls_total Counter 'socket', 'type', 'port', 'aggregate' The amount of polls per type (empty, full) performed.
dpdk_telemetry_packets_total Counter 'socket', 'type', 'direction', 'priority', 'port', 'aggregate' The amount of packets based on different labels that have been processed.
dpdk_telemetry_bytes_total Counter 'socket', 'type', 'direction', 'port', 'aggregate' The amount of bytes that have been processed.
dpdk_telemetry_errors_total Counter 'socket', 'type', 'direction', 'port', 'aggregate' The amount of errors encountered.
dpdk_telemetry_idle_total Counter 'socket', 'type', 'direction', 'port', 'aggregate' The amount of idle status counts.
dpdk_telemetry_packets_size Histogram 'socket', 'direction', 'port', 'aggregate' The amount of packets per packet size. The individually reported statistics are wrapped to a Histogram type with bins=(64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 1522, float("inf")).

A description of the meaning of label names follows. All label values as per the Prometheus spec are strings.

Label name Description
socket The absolute socket path from which the metric was collected. Useful in the multi-threaded case to separate specific apps.
port The dpdk port number (as string). Note that for v1 telemetry global stats the uint max port number is used (4294967295).
aggregate Whether the metric is a global statistic (string "1") or not (string "0). This is provided to easily select aggregate stats when querying and the per-port stats are not required (or vice versa).
type This has a specific meaning per metric. For example, in dpdk_telemetry_polls_total it has the poll type (empty or full), in dpdk_telemetry_errors_total the error type (e.g. missed). Generally, it collects the number of dimensions encountered in distinct dpdk stats for easy querying.
direction The flow direction (e.g. rx, tx) or mac where applicable.
priority This is specific to dpdk_telemetry_packets_total where the packet priority dimension is explicitly defined.

Prometheus target

In the example above for Kubernetes pod sidecar run, the Prometheus target is set automatically by prometheus-operator. If you have to manually create a target, locate your prometheus.yml file and add a scrape config for the exporter target, using the proper ip and port where Prometheus can contact the exporter:

  - job_name: 'dpdk-telemetry-exporter'
    scrape_interval: 5s
    scrape_timeout: 5s
      - targets: ['']

Grafana dashboard

A sample grafana dashboard is provided at grafana_dashboard.json. This is primarily meant for a Kubernetes Prometheus, so it assumes that there is a pod label available in the panel queries. Feel free to change it to the instance label if not running Prometheus in Kubernetes.