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Google Summer of Code 2017

Jos Poortvliet edited this page Mar 20, 2017 · 18 revisions

Check the offical GSoC page for general information such as schedule and requirements to participate in the program.

We participate this year through openSUSE - thanks to the Geekos ;-) See their site: http:


We will prefer students who have shown to have the skills needed to contribute to Nextcloud. That means - if you've successfully managed to do a junior job, bugfix or other minor change to Nextcloud and have gone through the process of integrating this at least once, we will know you've got a development setup and are capable of working with our process. We thus suggest to get started at

Project Ideas

Here we'd like to put a list of projects we suggest (GSoC projects are restricted to coding):


  • Desktop sync client in Python and QT (Mentor: @mario)
  • Integration of provider selection in Desktop Sync Client so openSUSE (and other distro's) get an out-of-the-box cloud experience (optional: integration in YaST). (Mentors: @rullzer @tcanabrava and the YaST team)


  • User data export/migration (similar to Google Takeout)
  • Federated sharing for calendars/contacts Issue
  • IPFS integration (Distributed, P2P backups with a CDN-like benefit. Demo, Github issue and forum thread)
  • CI: Automated performance measurements and comparison (could perhaps use openQA)
  • integration of easy Nextcloud server setup in YaST





  • Automated builds of clients matching settings of the theming app
  • QA testing platform forum thread (can use openQA)

We do want to encourage you to come up with your own project ideas and discuss them with potential mentors. Please join us on IRC or on our forums to discuss ideas.

Nextcloud coordinators

Nextcloud Mentors

(add yourself here please)