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Tags: nevir/bundler



Toggle v1.1.pre.4's commit message
Version 1.1.pre.4


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Version 1.1.pre.3


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Version 1.0.13


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Version 1.1.pre.2


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Version 1.0.12


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Version 1.0.11


Toggle v1.1.pre.1-chef's commit message
Extend Bundler to accommodate Chef use cases (Configure app servers)

closes rubygems#324  Gracefully handling missing git sources for gem dependencies
closes rubygems#875  ENV['GEM_PATH'] respected but not ENV['BUNDLE_PATH']
closes rubygems#880  Can we get a :system option for :git gems?
closes rubygems#898  Add :decorate and :overwrite subcommands to git (:git_* for gem)
closes rubygems#979  Problem specifying alternate library name with :git scheme
closes rubygems#1043 Remove Git dependency from bundler.gemspec

Generally fixes up many spec's that were falsely passing.

## Closed issues notes:
 Extend Bundler to accommodate Chef use cases (Config app servers)

324  Gracefully handling missing git sources for gem dependencies
     - In the test case I cite in that bug report, the message is:
       Could not find gem 'couchdb', required by 'chef', in any of the sources
875  ENV['GEM_PATH'] respected but not ENV['BUNDLE_PATH']
     - I've resolved this for Git sources by respecting ENV['BUNDLE_INSTALL_PATH'] in the Gemfile
880  Can we get a :system option for :git gems?
     - I've added `ENV[BUNDLE_INSTALL_PATH]` and bundle `--install-path`, which
     is the fallback the OP requests..."maybe if BUNDLE_PATH could be BUNDLE_PATH without the ruby_scope appended, that might give me a fallback"
898  Add :decorate and :overwrite subcommands to git (:git_* for gem)
     `git ... :decorate=><boolean>`
     `gem ... :git_decorate=><boolean>`
     - Hash decoration of installed folder name is off by default.
     - Hash decoration of local Git cache is still decorated.
979  Problem specifying alternate library name with :git scheme
1043 Remove Git dependency from bundler.gemspec

## Related issues:
issue rubygems#1013 Problem resolving deps from a git repo
issue rubygems#1016
issue rubygems#1017 Resolver not working correctly
issue rubygems#1027 Path bug
issue rubygems#396 Add :dest and :path sub-options to :git
    - While not configurable in the Gemfile, i.e. at the method level (git, and gem)
      You can direct Bundler to install to a path without any Bundler adding
      to the path: `bundle install --install-path '/install/exactly/here'`

Signed-off-by: Hedgehog <[email protected]>


Toggle v1.1.pre.1's commit message
Version 1.1.pre.1


Toggle v1.0.10's commit message
Version 1.0.10


Toggle v1.1.pre's commit message
Version 1.1.pre