We’re Prague-based developers brought together by a shared passion for tech and innovation. Our software ranges from Flutter mobile apps to C# web apps, custom-made IoT solutions, and security integrations.
🚀 Try our tools
- 🐙 AutoMappr: Code generation for mapping between different objects with ease.
- 📱 Sliver App Bar Builder: A truly customizable sliver for app bars with the benefit of using builders.
- 📝 GladeForms: A universal way to define form validators with support of translations.
- 🦺 SafeBloc: An extension to bloc state management library that manages unexpected exceptions.
- ✅ Flutter core: Our internal Dart and Flutter packages.
- 🖨️ NotionPDF.app: Print Beautiful PDF Documents from Notion
Join us on Discord to discuss them anytime!
📚 Read our blog
- Code generation in Flutter: analyzing
- Flutter tech insight into the Škola OnLine App
- Hook into Flutter Hooks
- Automate object mapping in Dart with auto_mappr
- How to handle one-time UI events with Bloc in Flutter
- Why we built our own sliver app bar builder
- The Basics of Scrolling in Flutter
- Introducing netglade_analysis, our curated set of Dart lints for Flutter apps