This library is an extension for DDD-lib assing support for Event Sourcing for NestJS would be a powerful tool for developing robust and scalable applications. Let's call this library "ES-Lib"
Integrated with DDD-Lib, encourages the use of DDD principles by providing abstractions and utilities for defining entities, aggregates, value objects, and repositories in a clean and modular way. It promotes the separation of concerns between the application's business logic and infrastructure, making it easier to manage complex domain models.
Event Sourcing Support: The library embraces the Event Sourcing pattern, allowing developers to model and store changes to the application state as a sequence of immutable events. Provides decorators and utilities for defining events, aggregates, and event handlers, making it intuitive to implement and maintain Event Sourcing in the application.
Integrated with CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation): ES-Lib and DDD-Lib supports CQRS by providing abstractions for defining commands and queries separately, helping to improve the scalability and maintainability of the application.
Event Bus Integration: Integrates seamlessly with NestJS's event bus system, allowing easy communication between different parts of the application using events. Supports various event storage mechanisms, including in-memory, databases, or external event stores, providing flexibility in choosing the right storage solution for the application.