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Via Composer

$ composer require neomerx/json-api

JSON API Encoder Usage

In order to encode an arbitrary resource object to JSON API format, there are 3 main steps

  • Create a Schema for the resource and resources it references.
  • Create an Encoder instance.
  • Encode resource(s), links, meta information or error(s).


A Schema is a class that implements SchemaInterface (BaseSchema can be extended as it has some reasonable defaults) and provides information on how an arbitrary resource object(s) (class, Model, etc) should be converted to JSON API format. It gives

  • Information about resource attributes.
  • Information about resource relationships to other resources.
  • Resource id, JSON API type, and URL.
  • Conversion settings (e.g. if self and related URLs should be shown, if meta information should be shown, etc).
  • Relationships information and data that should be placed to included section.
  • Relationship pagination links.

For more details please check out the Schemas section

Encoder Instance

Encoder class has a static method instance

 * Create encoder instance.
 * @param array $schemas Schema providers.
 * @return EncoderInterface
public static function instance(array $schemas): EncoderInterface

which accepts an array of mapping between resource types and resource schemas

$encoder = Encoder::instance([
    // class names as strings
    '\Author'      => '\AuthorSchema',

    // '::class' constant (PHP 5.5+) convenient for classes in namespaces
    Comment::class => CommentSchema::class,

    // Schema instances could be used as well
    Post::class    => $postSchema,

    // callables are also supported
    Site::class    => function (FactoryInterface $factory) use (...) {
        $schema = new SiteSchema($factory, ..., ..., ...);
        return $schema;

Typically Schema mapping is stored in an external configuration file.

Instead of Schema class name the default implementation can also accept SchemaInterface instance or callable which will be invoked on schema creation.

With advanced usage Schemas can be completely custom and, for example, be dynamic and stored in a database.

For more see Schemas section.


Encode provides a few self-explanatory JSON API methods

  • encodeData($data): string link
  • encodeIdentifiers($data): string link
  • encodeError(ErrorInterface $error): string and encodeErrors(iterable $errors): string link
  • encodeMeta($meta): string link

Additionally, there are a few EncoderInterface methods that set encoding options and add top level links, meta, set prefix to URLs, and etc to resulting JSON API document.

$isSubUrl = false;
$hasMeta  = false;
$links    = [
    Link::FIRST => new Link($isSubUrl,'', $hasMeta),
    Link::LAST  => new Link($isSubUrl,'', $hasMeta),
    Link::PREV  => new Link($isSubUrl,'', $hasMeta),
    Link::NEXT  => new Link($isSubUrl,'', $hasMeta),

$result = $encoder
        // Attributes and relationships that should be shown
        'sites'  => ['name', 'posts'],
        'posts'  => ['author'],
        'people' => ['first_name'],

Encode options and depth are parameters for json_encode. Options has predefined values described in official PHP documentation.

$links is an optional parameter that could be used to specify JSON API top-level links section.

$meta is an optional parameter that could be used to specify JSON API top-level meta section. This parameter could be any type that json_encode can work with (e.g. string, array, etc).

encodeMeta method

For certain cases a response with only meta information should be sent back to clients. This method provides such ability.

Input parameter $meta could be any type that json_encode can work with (e.g. string, array, etc).

Error Methods

Encoder supports encoding JSON API Error objects.

Usage example

$error = new Error(
    new Link(false, 'about-link', false),
    [new LinkWithAliases(false, '', ['v' => 'version'], false)],
    ['source' => 'data'],
    ['some' => 'meta']


Sample result

        "id"     : "some-id",
        "links"  : {
            "about" : "about-link",
             "type" : [{ "href": "", "aliases": {"v": "version"} }]
        "status" : "some-status",
        "code"   : "some-code",
        "title"  : "some-title",
        "detail" : "some-detail",
        "source" : {"source" : "data"},
        "meta"   : {"some" : "meta"}