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CMPE 275 Term Project

California Ultra-Speed Rail (CUSR)


Afreen Patel : 011811397 : [email protected]
Bhakti Shah : 011498916 : [email protected]
Neil Thaker : 011538215 : [email protected]
Purvesh Kothari : 011548615 : [email protected]

URL: http:

Technologies & Concepts used

Spring boot
Social Login Integration
Transaction concept
Amazon Web Services
Frontend : HTML, Javascript, JQuery, AJAX

Build instructions

Step 1: Get code from bitbucket: git clone https://[email protected]/neilthaker07/cusr-ticket-booking-system.git
Step 2: Create MySQL Database cusr_db using this query: CREATE DATABASE cusr_db;
Step 3: Go inside project folder cusr to start spring boot maven project on port 8080: mvn spring-boot:run
Step 3.1: Export csv data into table : Train, using below command. Hit below command inside project folder(i.e. cusr-ticket-booking-system)
Step 3.2: mysqlimport --ignore-lines=0 --fields-terminated-by=, --local -u root -p cusr_db train.csv
Step 4: In Linux, go to this Apache folder : /var/www/html
Step 5: Create folder cusr. Put all web-app content into this folder for UI Apache server on port 80
Step 6: Open browser and hit this URL: http:https://localhost/admin.html

Step to use CUSR App

Step 1: To set the train capacity : http: OR http:https://localhost/admin.html
Step 2: Sign up with proper user information : http: OR http:https://localhost/signup.html
Step 3: Fill up the search train form : http: OR http:https://localhost/search_results.html
Step 4: Hit Search
Step 5: Below that 5 search results will be displayed
Step 6: Book the particular ticket
Step 7: Fill up passenger details and confirm ticket : http: OR http:https://localhost/ticket-booking.html
Step 8: Confirmation email with ticket will be sent to user
Step 9: Booking history tab in right section shows all booked tickets : http: OR http:https://localhost/booking-history.html
Step 10: User can cancel the ticket
Step 11: User can logout. We are maintaining sessions through out the system.


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