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Tags: ndidplatform/api



Toggle v8.0.1's commit message
v8.0.1 (October 3, 2024)

_Compatible with: [`smart-contract`]( v9.x.x_


- Fix backward compatibility with old data structure (data saved by previous version) when getting request data from AS.


Toggle v8.0.0's commit message
v8.0.0 (August 1, 2024)

_Compatible with: [`smart-contract`]( v9.x.x_


- API version 6.0
  - Change request body JSON schema of POST `/node/update`.
    - Remove `node_key`
    - Remove `node_key_type`
    - Remove `node_sign_method`
    - Remove `node_master_key`
    - Remove `node_master_key_type`
    - Remove `node_master_sign_method`
    - Add `signing_public_key`
    - Add `signing_key_algorithm`
    - Add `signing_algorithm`
    - Add `signing_master_public_key`
    - Add `signing_master_key_algorithm`
    - Add `signing_master_algorithm`
    - Add `encryption_public_key`
    - Add `encryption_key_algorithm`
    - Add `encryption_algorithm`
  - Change response body JSON schema of GET `/utility/nodes/:node_id`
    - Remove `public_key`
    - Remove `master_public_key`
    - Remove `proxy.public_key`
    - Remove `proxy.master_public_key`
    - Add `signing_public_key`
    - Add `signing_master_public_key`
    - Add `encryption_public_key`
    - Add `proxy.signing_public_key`
    - Add `proxy.signing_master_public_key`
    - Add `proxy.encryption_public_key`
  - Remove query string parameter `on_the_fly_support` from GET `/utility/idp`
  - Add query string parameter `supported_feature_list` (list of strings separated by `,`) to GET `/utility/idp`
  - Change response body JSON schema of GET `/utility/idp`.
    - Remove `on_the_fly_support` (boolean) property.
    - Add `supported_feature_list` (array of strings) property.
  - Remove query string parameter `on_the_fly_support` from GET `/utility/idp/:namespace/:identifier`
  - Add query string parameter `supported_feature_list` (list of strings separated by `,`) to GET `/utility/idp/:namespace/:identifier`
  - Change response body JSON schema of GET `/utility/idp/:namespace/:identifier`.
    - Remove `on_the_fly_support` (boolean) property.
    - Add `supported_feature_list` (array of strings) property.
  - Change response body JSON schema of GET `/utility/nodes/:node_id`.
    - Remove `on_the_fly_support` (boolean) property.
    - Add `supported_feature_list` (array of strings) property.
  - Change body JSON schema of sign and sign with master key external crypto service (KMS) callback API.
    - Change property name `hash_method` to `hash_algorithm`.
    - Change property name `key_type` to `key_algorithm`.
    - Remove `sign_method` property.
    - Add `signing_algorithm` property.
    - Add `key_version` (number) property.
  - Change body JSON schema of decrypt external crypto service (KMS) callback API.
    - Change property name `key_type` to `key_algorithm`.
    - Add `encryption_algorithm` property.
    - Add `key_version` (number) property.
  - Change response body JSON schema of GET `/rp/request_data/:request_id`
    - Change property name `signature_sign_method` to `signature_signing_algorithm`
    - Add `signature_signing_key_version`
  - NDID only APIs
    - Change request body JSON schema of POST `/ndid/init_ndid`.
      - Remove `node_key`
      - Remove `node_key_type`
      - Remove `node_master_key`
      - Remove `node_master_key_type`
      - Add `signing_public_key`
      - Add `signing_key_algorithm`
      - Add `signing_algorithm`
      - Add `signing_master_public_key`
      - Add `signing_master_key_algorithm`
      - Add `signing_master_algorithm`
      - Add `encryption_public_key`
      - Add `encryption_key_algorithm`
      - Add `encryption_algorithm`
    - Change request body JSON schema of POST `/ndid/register_node`.
      - Remove `node_key`
      - Remove `node_key_type`
      - Remove `node_sign_method`
      - Remove `node_master_key`
      - Remove `node_master_key_type`
      - Remove `node_master_sign_method`
      - Add `signing_public_key`
      - Add `signing_key_algorithm`
      - Add `signing_algorithm`
      - Add `signing_master_public_key`
      - Add `signing_master_key_algorithm`
      - Add `signing_master_algorithm`
      - Add `encryption_public_key`
      - Add `encryption_key_algorithm`
      - Add `encryption_algorithm`
    - Remove `on_the_fly_support` property for registering node (POST `/ndid/register_node`) and updating node (POST `/ndid/update_node`).
    - Add `supported_feature_list` property for registering node (POST `/ndid/register_node`) and updating node (POST `/ndid/update_node`).


- Separate node key usage types (signing and encryption).
  - API version older than 6.0 uses node signing key as node encryption key.
- Support new key algorithms for node signing public key and node signing master public key.
  - EC
    - curve: secp256r1/prime256v1
    - curve: secp384r1
  - Ed25519
- Support new signing algorithms for node key and node master key.
  - `RSASSA_PKCS1_V1_5_SHA_384`: RSA PKCS #1 v1.5 SHA-384
  - `RSASSA_PKCS1_V1_5_SHA_512`: RSA PKCS #1 v1.5 SHA-512
  - `ECDSA_SHA_256` (EC key curve: secp256r1/prime256v1)
  - `ECDSA_SHA_384` (EC key curve: secp384r1)
  - `Ed25519`
- Support new encryption algorithms for node key supported.
  - `RSAES_OAEP_SHA_256`
- API version 6.0
  - Validate identifier with namespace `citizen_id` as Thai citizen ID (by validating check digit/checksum). Can be disabled by setting environment variable `VALIDATE_IDENTIFIER` to `false`.
    - On create request (mode 1 and mode 2,3 when `bypass_identity_check` is set to `true`)
    - On create identity
    - On add identity
  - New API: GET `/utility/nodes/:node_id/public_keys`: Get node public key list (including previous key versions).
  - New API: GET `/utility/node_supported_features`: Get valid node supported feature list.
  - New API: GET `/utility/supported_ial`: Get valid/supported IAL list.
  - New API: GET `/utility/supported_aal`: Get valid/supported AAL list.
  - New API: GET `/utility/accessors/:accessor_id`: Get accessor key details.
  - NDID only APIs
    - New API: POST `/ndid/add_allowed_node_supported_feature`: Add allowed node supported feature
    - New API: POST `/ndid/remove_allowed_node_supported_feature`: Remove allowed node supported feature
    - New API: POST `/ndid/set_supported_ial_list`: Set supported IAL list
    - New API: POST `/ndid/set_supported_aal_list`: Set supported AAL list
- API version 5.3
  - New API: GET `/utility/supported_ial`: Get valid/supported IAL list.
  - New API: GET `/utility/supported_aal`: Get valid/supported AAL list.
- Add environment variables.
  - `SIGNING_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH`: Path to node's private key for signing [Default: use pre-generated development key in development mode]
  - `SIGNING_PRIVATE_KEY_PASSPHRASE`: Passphrase for node's private key for signing
  - `SIGNING_MASTER_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH`: Path to node's master private key for signing [Default: use pre-generated development key in development mode]
  - `SIGNING_MASTER_PRIVATE_KEY_PASSPHRASE`: Passphrase for node's master private key for signing
  - `ENCRYPTION_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH`: Path to node's private key for encryption [Default: use pre-generated development key in development mode]
  - `ENCRYPTION_PRIVATE_KEY_PASSPHRASE`: Passphrase for node's private key for encryption
  - `NODE_BEHIND_PROXY_SIGNING_PRIVATE_KEY_DIRECTORY_PATH`: Directory path for nodes behind proxy private keys and passphrases for signing [Default: use pre-generated development key in development mode]
  - `NODE_BEHIND_PROXY_SIGNING_MASTER_PRIVATE_KEY_DIRECTORY_PATH`: Directory path for nodes behind proxy master private keys and passphrases for signing [Default: use pre-generated development key in development mode]
  - `NODE_BEHIND_PROXY_ENCRYPTION_PRIVATE_KEY_DIRECTORY_PATH`: Directory path for nodes behind proxy private keys and passphrases for encryption [Default: use pre-generated development key in development mode]
- Add new environment variable options
  - `EXTERNAL_CRYPTO_SERVICE_CALLBACK_API_VERSION`: Callback API version for external crypto service (KMS). If not set, it will be the same as `CALLBACK_API_VERSION`.
  - `VALIDATE_IDENTIFIER`: Validate identifier on creating identity, adding identity, and creating request on API v6 and later. Defaults to `true`.
- Support simple API authentication.
  - Using API key set in HTTP header `X-API-Key`
  - Default config is NOT using API key auth. (Config can be set with environment variable `USE_API_KEY` and `API_KEY_HASH`.)


- Update dependencies.
- [Docker] Change Node.js version used in images to 20.


- Fix telemetry incorrectly enabled on node with NDID role. (Node with `NDID_NODE` environment variable set to `true`.)
- Fix error in master-worker mode when master receives error from worker processing MQ message.


- Compatibility with validations on CheckTx when making transactions to Tendermint/ABCI app.
- Change telemetry events timer trigger behavior to wait for response from telemetry server before starting the next interval / try sending again.


Toggle v7.2.0-rc1's commit message
Update Dockerfile base image


Toggle v7.1.0's commit message
v7.1.0 (August 18, 2022)

_Compatible with: [`smart-contract`]( v8.x.x_


- Support dcontract request type.
  - Integrity check on IdP side. If fail, the platform automatically responses with error code `31000`. (Config can be set with environment variable `DCONTRACT_VALIDATE`.)


- Increase minimum Node.js version requirement to 15.


Toggle v7.0.0's commit message
v7.0.0 (August 11, 2022)

_Compatible with: [`smart-contract`]( v8.x.x_


- ABCI transaction and query data format change.


Toggle v6.0.0's commit message
v6.0.0 (May 13, 2022)

_Compatible with: [`smart-contract`]( v7.x.x_


- Identity modification notification (mode 2) can be suppressed. Suppressed notification from (actor) node IDs can only be set by regulator (NDID).
- API version 5.2
  - Allow `min_as` to be `0` in data request list on create request (API: POST `/rp/requests/:namespace/:identifier`). All requested ASs are able to response to a data request.
  - Add query string parameter `service_id` to GET `/utility/service_price_min_effective_datetime_delay`. Calling the API without `service_id` will return a global / fallback value.
  - Add `request_type` to create request (API: POST `/rp/requests/:namespace/:identifier`) parameter.
  - New API: GET `/utility/request_types`: Get valid request type list.
  - Change response body JSON schema of GET `/utility/requests/:request_id`.
    - Add `request_type` (string) property.
  - Change body JSON schema of request status update callback API (type: `request_status`) on RP, IdP, and AS.
    - Add `request_type` (string) property.
    - Add possible value `partial_completed` to `status` for cases where there is a service in data request with `0` min AS and at least one success data response(s) (AS signed response and RP has set data received) in any service.
  - Change body JSON schema of incoming request callback API (type: `incoming_request`) on IdP.
    - Add `request_type` (string) property.
  - Change body JSON schema of data request callback API (type: `data_request`) on AS.
    - Add `request_type` (string) property.
  - New API: GET `/utility/suppressed_identity_modification_notification_node_ids`: Get suppressed identity modification notification node ID list.
  - New API: GET `/utility/suppressed_identity_modification_notification_node_ids/:node_id`: Check identity modification notification suppressed status by node ID.
  - NDID only APIs
    - Add parameter `service_id` to POST `/ndid/set_service_price_min_effective_datetime_delay` to set service price minimum effective datetime delay by service ID. Calling the API without `service_id` will set a global / fallback value.
    - New API: POST `/ndid/add_request_type`: Add request type
    - New API: POST `/ndid/remove_request_type`: Remove request type
    - New API: POST `/ndid/add_suppressed_identity_modification_notification_node`: Add suppressed identity modification notification node (ID)
    - New API: POST `/ndid/remove_suppressed_identity_modification_notification_node`: Remove suppressed identity modification notification node (ID)


- Support Node.js 16.
- Support Tendermint 0.35.
  - Block result spec change.
- Update dependencies.
- Remove duplicate data when setting expected Tx metadata.
- Optimize raw MQ message write to redis. (Don't serialize JSON when setting raw message received from MQ to redis, set it as binary (Buffer) instead.)
- Reduce data from AS write to redis on RP side.
- [Docker] Change Node.js version used in images from 12 to 16.


- Identity modification notification callback will not be sent if the modification action is done by node ID listed in suppressed identity modification node list.


Toggle v5.2.0's commit message
v5.2.0 (January 9, 2022)

_Compatible with: [`smart-contract`]( v6.x.x_


- Change AS response maximum uncompressed data size from 20 MB to 10 MB.


Toggle v5.1.0's commit message
v5.1.0 (December 2, 2021)

_Compatible with: [`smart-contract`]( v6.x.x_


- Fix message queue send success trigger when send retry timed out.


- Move effective datetime check from ABCI app to API when AS sets service price since there’s an issue with block time drift to the future.
- Check effective datetime delay when AS sets service price (by comparing with current time on local machine).


Toggle v5.0.0's commit message
v5.0.0 (July 27, 2021)

_Compatible with: [`smart-contract`]( v6.x.x_


- Change request message salt derivation. Now includes identity (namespace and identifier).
- AS response data compression
  - Compression algorithm: gzip
  - Maximum uncompressed data size is 20 MB.
  - Maximum compressed data (or data to be sent to other nodes) size is 3MB.
  - Sender side compresses AS resposne data only when size is at least configured size. (Config can be set with environment variable `AS_DATA_COMPRESS_MIN_LENGTH`.)
- Move AS response data data URL parsing from MQ message serialization to app layer.
- MQ message compression
  - Compression algorithm: gzip
  - Default config is no compression (Config can be set with environment variable `COMPRESS_MQ_MESSAGE`.)
  - Sender side compresses MQ message only when size is at least configured size. (Config can be set with environment variable `MQ_MESSAGE_COMPRESS_MIN_LENGTH`.)
  - Receiver side accepts compressed MQ message that uncompressed size is not larger than 25MB
- Change MQ message data format
  - Add `message_compression_algorithm`.
  - `AsDataResponseMqMessage` message type
    - Remove `data_data_url_prefix`.
    - Remove `data_bytes`.
    - Add `packed_data_metadata`.
    - Add `packed_data_bytes`.
- API version 5.1
  - NDID only APIs
    - `on_the_fly_support` (boolean) is a required property for registering node (POST `/ndid/register_node`) and updating node (POST `/ndid/update_node`).


- API version 5.1
  - New API: POST `/as/service_price/:service_id`: Set AS service price/fee.
  - New API: GET `/utility/as/price/:service_id`: Get AS service price/fee list (including history sorted by latest first).
  - New API: GET `/utility/service_price_ceiling`: Get service price ceiling (set by NDID).
  - Change response body JSON schema of GET `/utility/nodes/:node_id`.
    - Add `on_the_fly_support` (boolean) property (only when `node_id` is IdP node).
  - Add query string parameter `on_the_fly_support` to GET `/utility/idp`
  - Change response body JSON schema of GET `/utility/idp`.
    - Add `on_the_fly_support` (boolean) property.
  - Add `lial` and `laal` properties to POST `/identity`.
  - Add query string parameter `on_the_fly_support` to GET `/utility/idp/:namespace/:identifier`
  - Change response body JSON schema of GET `/utility/idp/:namespace/:identifier`.
    - Add `on_the_fly_support` (boolean) property.
    - Add `lial` and `laal` (boolean) properties.
  - New API: GET `/identity/:namespace/:identifier/lial`: Get identity's LIAL.
  - New API: POST `/identity/:namespace/:identifier/lial`: Set identity's LIAL.
  - New API: GET `/identity/:namespace/:identifier/laal`: Get identity's LAAL.
  - New API: POST `/identity/:namespace/:identifier/laal`: Set identity's LAAL.
  - New API: POST `/rp/messages`: Save message to blockchain.
  - New API: GET `/utility/messages/:message_id`: Get saved message and its metadata/info from blockchain.
  - NDID only APIs
    - New API: POST `/ndid/set_service_price_ceiling`: Set service price ceiling
    - New API: POST `/ndid/set_service_price_min_effective_datetime_delay`: Set service price minimum effective datetime delay (compared to latest block's time)


- Include identity (namespace and identifier) to request message salt derivation to be able to verify the identity of IdP response signature later (if there's a dispute) for mode 1 requests. This change prevents IdPs from spoofing AS.


Toggle v4.3.2's commit message
v4.3.2 (July 27, 2021)

_Compatible with: [`smart-contract`]( v5.x.x_


- Fix retry transact data on redis doesn't get removed after successful retry.
- Fix retry transact after process restart.


- [Main] Add environment variable option alias `TELEMETRY_DB_HOST` for `TELEMETRY_DB_IP` to match with telemetry client module.