Welcome to The Eigensolver Quantum School, a crash course designed by students for students. The aim of this program is to take someone who has no QC knowledge and put through a five day crash course that puts them in the frame of mind necessary to learn via formal texts such as Nielsen and Chuang (which is the prize of our two day hackathon!)
One of the beauties behind learning quantum computing is that on an elementary level, very few pre-requisites are required. At TEQS, the course is designed in a way where the only pre-requisites required are basic linear algebra and classical information processing. To ensure that everyone has those under their belts before attending the crash course, we made those three notebooks which we encourage everyone to read and solve the exercises.
- Chapter 1 is on vectors and how they are used to represent the state of a qubit
- Chapter 2 is on operators and how they are used to manipulate the state of a qubit
- Chapter 3 is on Classical Information and Boolean Logic
(Content not yet available. Should be available on Monday, July 5th)
(Content not yet available. Should be available on Tuesday, July 6th)
(Content not yet available. Should be available on Wednesday, July 7th)
(Content not yet available. Should be available on Thursday, July 8th)
(Content not yet available. Should be available on Friday, July 9th)
(Content not yet available. Should be available on Saturday, July 10th)