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fritzident  is a program that eneabeling the parental control function of the 
AVM Fritz!Box.  It mimics the stan‐ dard AVM Windows application that allows the 
Fritz!Box to recognize individual users connecting to the internet. This 
application is supposed to run under control of inetd or systemd.

General Information
Fritzident will run as an stand alone server. The provided Makefile can be used 
to compile the program. Obviously, a the make utility, a C compiler and base C 
libraries need to be installed for this to work. Compilation has been tested on 
Ubuntu 15.04.

To install fritzident, copy the executable program to an appropriate location 
and start the server after establishing the network services.  You can use the 
provides systemd unit files or the init.d script. An inetd is no longer needed.

Internal working
At startup fritzident is creating a socket on the port 14013 and sends out a 
prompt message, then waits for a single command, and sends the response. The 
prompt message is "AVM IDENT", and is required for the Fritz!Box to recognize 
the agent.

Recognized commands:
	USERS		return a list of known users
	TCP ip:port	return name of the user for the specified local TCP port
	UDP ip:port	idem, but for UDP ports

The prompt, as well as all replies, are terminated by a CR & NL (ASC 13 + ASC 
10). Commands are recognized with either CR & NL or just NL line termination. 
This allows fritzident to be tested interactively.