A repo for my coursework as a phd masters student at the University of Waterloo in the applied math department, with a specialization in quantum information.
I mostly took courses pretty seriously, but I know grades during a grad degree basically don't matter. For that reason I tried not to spend crazy amounts of time on homeworks, but if I did, chances were I was fiddling with LaTeX, not doing homework. I learned a lot of cool TeX things while writing all these up, like drawing quantum circuit diagrams, plotting functions, and doing things with colors.
Course | Professor | Directory |
Numerical Analysis | Hans De Sterck | num |
Advanced Quantum Theory | Achim Kempf | aqt |
Quantum Info. Processing | Richard Cleve | qip |
Course | Professor | Directory |
Open Quantum Systems | Joseph Emerson | oqs |
Lie Groups & Lie Algebras | Da Rong Cheng | lie |
Course | Professor | Directory |
Software Verification using Proof Assistants | Prabhakar Ragde | swv |
Course | Professor | Directory |
Theory of Quantum Information | John Watrous | tqi |
Achim Kempf | gr |
Course | Professor | Directory |
Logic and Computability (audit) | Jason Bell | log |
All my classes thus far have required us to use Crowdmark to submit homework. In order to submit to crowdmark each homework question must be on a new page. To accomplish this I use the pages
option on the latex homework template I've been working on. Once I'm finished I run
pdfseparate hwname.pdf hwname-%d.pdf
This separates the pages into their own document and I can upload them individually. Modern life...
A command to run to see which homeworks have given me the most trouble... kind of.
git log --name-only --pretty=format: | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr