Translate text right in your code
Data repository for my blog series on microprocessor trend data.
A tool for learning vector representations of words and entities from Wikipedia
Transmits AM radio on computers without radio transmitting hardware.
Look into WordNet(R) API - WordNet(R)のAPIの使い方を自習するためのコード群 であります
streaming over erlang-oauth, and some samples
naoyat / erlang-oauth
Forked from erlangpack/erlang-oauthAn Erlang OAuth 1.0 implementation
termtter / termtter
Forked from jugyo/termtterTermtter is a terminal based Twitter client.
Ruby implementation of the programming language ModanShogi (LLVM support thanks by ujihisa and nanki)
kumofs is a scalable and highly available distributed key-value store.
Brainf**c Compilers (BF to Ruby, C, Haskell, Scheme and LLVM)
naoyat / mosh
Forked from higepon/moshMosh is a free and fast interpreter for Scheme as specified in the R6RS.
Mosh is a free and fast interpreter for Scheme as specified in the R6RS.