An IEEE488 interface for the PC using USB and an Arduino Nano (tm)
A Firmware-Only USB implementation for Atmel's AVR Microcontrollers
Structured data about Panama papers collected from official ICIJ website
Restoration for TEMPEST images using deep-learning
Very compact (8KB) embedded x86 BIOS for FPGA/emulators/386EX
Samples and Unpacker of malicious backdoors and exploits developed and used by Pinduoduo
Documentation for Chinese ALTERA Cyclone IV EP4CE6 FPGA Development Board
A simple digital waveform viewer with vi-like key bindings.
Test code to show case the usage of a TimerCounter of a STM32 MCU
Altera Cyclone IV FPGA project for the PCIe LimeSDR board
FPGA 80186 IBM PC compatible system for Altera Cyclone IV (EP4CE15F23/EP4CE55F23)
IBM-PC clone based on an Intel 80386SX processor and an Altera Cyclone IV
Altera Cyclone IV FPGA project for the USB 3.0 LimeSDR board