Welcome to Artificial Intelligence course!
In this course, we start by learning the classic AI problem (knowledge representation with Graph data structure & many different search algorithms) to Machine Learning space (some intro to Python Scikit learn and further into the computer vision space).
In the first half of lecture, we will not just be learning the algorithm but implementing them in practice. In specific, we will be utilizing the Graph data structure to implement various search algorithms.
To make testing and grading trivial, we will also be using CI (Continuous Integration) that runs the test cases against your code to ensure your code performs as expected. This is, so to called, Test-Driven-Development.
And from the second half of lecture, we will dive into recently trending area of AI -- Machine Learning.
In this part of lecture, you will be learning Scikit Learn library to do Machine Learning algorithms. Furthermore, using these Machine Learning models to solve advance problem like image recognition.
Final project on the other hand will involve you to use all techniques learned in class to be applied into simple game playing.
To get started, you will need to have some basic tools ready:
- Git
- Text editor -- recommended VS Code
- Terminal -- or Git Bash on Windows
Then you can start hacking codes on the cs4660
To run all tests, run the following command in terminal:
python -m unittest discover
- Syllabus
- Course chatroom -- you will only
be able to get into chatroom if you are invited already (see CSNS) - Python 2 and 3 Compatibility Cheatsheet