Libraries for interfacing PIC16F887 with several peripherals. Most of them were programmed for specific projects of high school students and I thought of sharing them as they might be useful as a basic start in hobbyist projects.
- DHT11
- Basic ultra low-cost temperature and humidity sensor. It uses a one-wire protocol and this driver's implementation contemplates the use of down to 4MHz crystal as clock source.
- DS1307
- Serial real-time clock, full binary-coded decimal (BCD) clock/calendar plus 56 bytes of NV SRAM.
- MAX7219
- Serial input/output common-cathode display drivers. Implements functions for drawing in an 8x8 led matrix.
- Driver for configuration and usage of the "Master Synchronous Serial Port" module for PIC16F887.
- LCD through I2C
- Functions to configure and control an LCD connected to an IO expander (PCF8574).
The compiler used was XC8 v1.45 in MPLABX IDE.
Copy the necessary *.c and *.h files in your projects directory and include the header files.
#include "dht11.h"
void main(void) {
float hum, temp;
while(1) {
dht11_read(&hum, &temp);
Be sure to check the header file of each device to correctly select the GPIOs according to your board.
#define PIN_DHT11 PORTBbits.RB4
#define TRIS_DHT11 TRISBbits.TRISB4