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In this GitHub project, the aim is to build and operate a DPV (Dive Propulsion Vehicle) using standard components. In my case, I will breathe new life into an old Aquazepp. The motor I'm using is a common 2000-watt scooter motor, controlled by a VESC (Vedder Electronic Speed Controller). The entire system is controlled through Reed switches activated by magnets with a Bowden cable.

I would greatly appreciate support for my project. Every $ contributes to enhancing the project.

Donate with PayPal




We switched from using the Arduino IDE to VS Code.

Install Arduino extension from microsoft.

Then install the Arduino CLI and select it in vscode or just copy template files. You only need to click ".\.vscode_template\copy_it.bat" to do that. Install the libraries that we use from inside vscode using the arduino library manager. If some are missing they need to be put in C:\Users\Documents\Arduino\libraries so that they can be found there.

Install the Arduino Plugin for vscode. image

The bottom of you IDE should now looks like this: image

More information about in #26.

Anduino IDE

We used to use the Arduino IDE for Development. Open the file DPVControl/DPVController/DPVController.ino to open the project.

Board Config

I am using a wroom esp32 board for development.

Follow this tutorial to install the board .

You might need a windows driver.

Download Libraries

Download the .zip files for all the required Libraries (use the github-links in DPVController.ino). Place them in the /libraries -Folder and install them into Arduino.


  • 5% - Web interface: Retrieve basic information and adjust settings if necessary.
  • 0% - Update via WiFi
  • 0% - Implement watchdog to make it smooth and stable
  • 30% - display uptime and overall runtime in gui

Click Codes

Switch 1 Switch 2 Function
Hold Hold Turn motor ON
Hold Turn motor ON
Hold Turn motor ON
1 Click 1 Click cruise control
1 Click
1 Click
2 Clicks 2 Clicks Boost Mode
2 Clicks Reactivate
2 Clicks Reactivate
2 Clicks Hold Stepwise slower
Hold 2 Clicks Stepwise faster
3 Clicks 3 Clicks PowerBank ON/OFF
3 Clicks Short light flash
3 Clicks Light Level 1, 2, 3, 4, OFF
4 Clicks 4 Clicks
4 Clicks beep Battery level
4 Clicks

Beep Codes

1 = short beep 2= long beep

Beep Function
12121212 Leak warning
1 still in standby
2 going to standby or wake up from standby
2 10% battery left
22 20% battery left
222 30% battery left
n*2 Get n beep for every 10% left in battery (beep Battery level)
1 once after boot
11 No speedup because overloaded
1 speed steps exeeded
12 Overloaded for too long. Lowering speed.
21 No longer overloaded
111222111 SOS - Long time without any action. The lamp is also activated with the same code







Hardware Updates

Handle replaced with POM tube
Caveline replaced by thin V4A steel cable
Stator integrated to eliminate lateral torque
Tow/haul line attached at the top
Impact protection fitted over the magnetic switches


Build Process

Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build Build