Ary Array
Name | Description |
arrayToObject | Convert an array to an object. |
flop_vals | Preserving the keys and flop the values in reverse order. |
objectToArray | Convert an object to an array. |
Name | Description |
check_file | Puts a number before the filename if it exists. |
deleteDir | Deletes a directory and its contents. |
make_yr_directory | Creates a directory structure based on the current year and month. |
mk_dir_writable | Creates a writable directory. |
reArrayFiles | Re-arranges files array for image uploads. |
removeEmptySubfolders | Removes empty subfolders. |
tree | Reads all files and folders in a directory. |
zip | Zips a directory or file. |
Name | Description |
breadcrumb | Generates a breadcrumb navigation. |
browse | Generates pagination links based on current page and total items. |
pagination | Generates a pagination HTML structure. |
setUpLinks | Sets up links from a comma-separated list of tags. |
svg_img | Generates an SVG image with a specified width, height, and text. |
tagCloud | Generates a tag cloud from an associative array of tags and their frequencies. |
Name | Description |
get_large_img | Get the large version of an image. |
get_mime_type | Get the MIME type of a file. |
resize_image | Resize an image using ImageMagick. |
resize_uploaded_image | Resize and upload an image. |
set_im | Set the ImageMagick command. |
webpImage | Convert an image to webp using GD. |
Name | Description |
send | Send an email. |
Name | Description |
numberToWord | Convert a number to its word representation. |
sq | Calculate the price per square foot. |
Name | Description |
decimal | Format a decimal number for USA currency. |
format | Format a value based on the specified format type. |
Some functions are heavily influenced by Laravel's illuminate\support\Str Class
Name | Description |
camel | Convert a value to camel case. |
clean_url | Clean a URL string. |
e | Clean a text string. |
form_element_name | Generate a form element name from a string. |
fromBase64 | Decode the given Base64 encoded string. |
headline | Convert various string formats to a capitalized headline. |
kebab | Convert a camelCase string to kebab-case. |
lcfirst | Make a string's first character lowercase. |
length | Return the length of the given string. |
limit | Limit the number of characters in a string. |
lower | Convert the given string to lower-case. |
ltrim | Remove all whitespace from the beginning of a string. |
p | Print a variable in a readable format. |
parse_my_url | Parse the current URL into an array of segments. |
randomString | Generate a random string. |
removePound | Remove pound signs and dashes from a string. |
rtrim | Remove all whitespace from the end of a string. |
snake | Convert a string to snake case. |
studly | Convert a value to studly caps case. |
substr | Returns the portion of the string specified by the start and length parameters. |
swap | Swap keywords in a string according to a mapping array. |
title | Convert the given string to proper case. |
toBase64 | Convert the given string to Base64 encoding. |
trim | Remove all whitespace from both ends of a string. |
ucfirst | Make a string's first character uppercase. |
ucsplit | Split a string into pieces by uppercase characters. |
upper | Convert the given string to upper-case. |
wordWrap | Wrap a string to a given number of characters using a specified line break. |
Modified and updated to PHP 8 from (c) Rowan Manning
Name | Description |
__construct | Class constructor. |
__get | get magic method. |
__set | set magic method. |
__toString | toString magic method. |
getArray | Get the red, green and blue values of the colour as an array. |
getHex | Get the HEX code that represents the colour. |
hexToRgb | Convert a HEX code into RGB. |
mix | Mix two colours together. |
modify | Modify the colour's red, green and blue values. |
randomise | Randomise red, green and blue values of the colour. |
range | Calculate and return a range of colours between a start and end colour. |
rgbToHex | Convert red, green and blue values to a HEX code. |
set | Set the colour's red, green and blue values // Sets the RGB values. |
setHex | Set the red, green and blue values of the colour with a HEX code. |