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Fast intro

The UI and The C# project are completely separate and they can exist and "work" alone

There is a file MessageService.cs that cares about the comunication between the UI and the C# project

Most of the memory editing is done inside MemoryEngine.cs to increase the maintainability and having one single point of debug

The communication is done using Electron-cgi, It's a lib used on both the projects.

The Elcetron UI is contained inside /electron-frontend

The c# project is inside the root folder.

The Electron UI

The UI is made using electron and vue.js.

RxJs is used for most of the UI Services is used for the request loadout feature

How to run and develop the UI

Before you start working on the UI there is a requirements.

  • node.js

After you installed node.js you can start working with the tool.

How to setup the UI workspace.

First of all you need to run and build atleast once the c# project

now inside the electron-frontend folder run the following commands using CMD or Powershell

  • npm install -g @vue/cli
  • npm i

How to run the UI

  • Build the C# solution as Release => x64 (Be sure is "x64" NOT "any cpu")
  • run in CMD or Powershell npm run electron:serve

How to build the UI to release the tool

  • Build the C# solution as Release => x64 (Be sure is "x64" NOT "any cpu")
  • Copy R6S Custom Game Tool.exe from /bin/x64/Release/R6S Custom Game Tool.exe to \electron-frontend\tool and obfuscate it (how to do it as @Zer0)
  • run CMD or Powershell npm run electron:build

You will find the .exe file inside \electron-frontend\dist_electron named R6CGT_portable.exe

The C#/DotNet project

TODO: Add info about the project.