A simple in memory EventBus / MessageBus library in C# with no dependencies
Install-Package Redbus
- .NET Framework 4.5
- .NET Standard 2.0
There is a generic PayloadEvent class that can be used, or you can use any custom classes that derive from EventBase
private void TestMethod()
IEventBus eventBus = new EventBus();
eventBus.Publish(new PayloadEvent<int>(5)); // OnIntEvent will be invoked
eventBus.Publish(new CustomEventClass()); // OnCustomEvent will be invoked
eventBus.Subscribe<PayloadEvent<string>>(s =>
eventBus.Publish(new PayloadEvent<string>("Hello"));
private void OnCustomEvent(CustomEventClass customEvent)
Console.WriteLine("Received CustomEvent");
private void OnIntEvent(PayloadEvent<int> intEvent)
Note that RedBus does not have WeakReferences implemented, so you must explicitly call Unsubscribe for the event when disposing the subscriber to avoid memory leaks. The Subscribe method returns a SubscriptionToken, this is used when unsubscribing.
IEventBus eventBus = new EventBus();
var token = eventBus.Subscribe<PayloadEvent<string>>(s =>
IEventBus eventBus = new EventBus();
var token = eventBus.Subscribe<PayloadEvent<string>>(s =>
var payloadEvent = new PayloadEvent<string>("Hello");
- ThrowSubscriberException
By default, Redbus will catch and swallow any exceptions thrown by subscribers. It's possible to configure Redbus to rethrow any exceptions which occurred in a subscriber method - please note the following:
- This will cause an exception from a subscriber to be thrown for a publisher
- This will/may cause subsequent subscribers to not receive an event/message after a subscriber has thrown an exception.
IEventBus eventBus = new EventBus(new EventBusConfiguration { ThrowSubscriberException = true });