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An app for create realtime polls in a simple and fast way.

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Poll maker

An app made for create optional polls in a simple and fast way.

This Project make use of Pusher channel messenger, you need to provide Pusher credentials and (sa1 cluster) for realtime broadcast.

Technologies used

  • Laravel Framework 9.21.3
  • PHP 8.0.22
  • Mysql Ver 15.1 Distrib 10.4.24-MariaDB, for Linux
  • NPM 8.11.0
  • Nodejs v16.16.0
  • Tailwind 3.1.6
  • Pusher-js 7.3.0
  • Pusher-php-server 7.0
  • Flowbite-js 1.5.2 (CDN)

And others Laravel packages in-the-box.

Note: different versions of PHP and Laravel may cause this project not work as expected


Copy and paste commands below to get started:

git clone [email protected]:mvsant/poll-maker.git
composer install
cp .env.example .env
php artisan key:generate
php artisan migrate:refresh --seed
php artisan serve
#Go to link localhost:8000

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An app for create realtime polls in a simple and fast way.






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