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Welcome to the Reflex Compiler Project! This project aims to provide a statically typed language with single inheritance, multiple interfaces, and reference counting with periodic cycle detection. The frontend utilizes a robust and efficient approach, featuring a greedy deterministic regex tokenizer and a handwritten LL(1) recursive descent parser. On the backend, we leverage the power of LLVM to generate and optimize efficient machine code for various architectures.


The documentation can be found here

Sample code

class String {
    private var buffer: char[];

    public func String() -> void {
        buffer = new char[0];

    public func String(value: char[]) -> void {
        buffer = value;

    public func size() -> int {
        return buffer.size();

    public func charAt(index: int) -> char {
        return buffer[index];


Install dependencies LLVM, Doxygen

mkdir build && cd build && cmake ../
cmake reflex # for compiler
cmake gtest # for tests

Implementation details and Specifications

GC Implementation

The compiler implements a mark and sweep garbage collector. All classes default inherits from the parentStack Object. The base Object contains the following content

class Object {
    protected var marked: bool;
    protected func __gc_mark() -> void;
    protected func __gc_is_alive() -> void;

Upon each garbage collection invocation, each object's __gc_mark function will mark self as a reachable object, and will not be collected by gc. Furthermore, the invocation to __gc_mark will call member's __gc_mark if the member is not a null reference and only __gc_is_alive is false. Before each collection cycle, the GC will set all marked as false.

The compiler is responsible for inserting default __gc_mark which will mark all non-null member references, unless a custom __gc_mark is provided.

V-Table implementation

The following code will generate the following type diagram. For the itable implementation, following next* will lead to a level order.

interface A {
    func method_A() -> void;
interface B : A {
    func method_B() -> void;
interface C : A {
    func method_C() -> void;
interface D : B, C {
    func method_D() -> void;
interface E {
    func method_other() -> void;

class Base {
    public var member_base: int;
    public func method_base() -> void {}

class Derived(Base) : D, E {
    public var member_derived: num;
    public func method_base() {}
    public func method_A() -> void {}
    public func method_B() -> void {}
    public func method_C() -> void {}
    public func method_D() -> void {}
    public func method_other() -> void {}
    Base                  Derived               itab_D.Derived    itab_C.Derived    itab_A.Derived
   ┌────────────┐        ┌──────────────┐      ┌─────────┐       ┌──────────┐      ┌─────────┐
┌──┤rtti*       │   ┌────┤rtti*         │  ┌───►next*    ├───────►next*     ├─┐  ┌─►next*    ├─┐
│  │member_base │   │    │member_base   │  │   │method_A*│       │method_A* │ │  │ │method_A*│ │
│  └────────────┘   │    │member_derived│  │   │method_B*│       │method_C* │ │  │ └─────────┘ │
│                   │    └──────────────┘  │   │method_C*│       └──────────┘ │  │             │
│                   │                      │   │method_D*│                    │  │             │
└─► vtab.Base       ├───► vtab.Derived     │   └─────────┘     ┌──────────────┘  │             │
   ┌────────────┐   │    ┌─────────────┐   │                   │  tab_B.Derived  │             │
   │type_info*  │   │    │type_info*   │   │                   │ ┌──────────┐    │             │
   │base_rtti*  ├───┘    │base_rtti*   ├─► │                   └─►next*     ├────┘             │
   │itable*     ├─►      │itable*      ├───┘                     │method_A* │                  │
   │method_base*│        │method_base* │                         │method_C* │                  │
   └────────────┘        │method_A*    │       itab_E.Derived    └──────────┘                  │
                         │method_B*    │      ┌─────────────┐                                  │
                         │method_C*    │    ┌─►next*        ├─►                                │
                         │method_D*    │    │ │method_other*│                                  │
                         │method_other*│    │ └─────────────┘                                  │
                         └─────────────┘    │                                                  │

Language Specification

Language Semantics Reference


An interface is an object reference type. It defines a collection of abstract methods that can be implemented by a class. A class can implement multiple interfaces; and an interface can derive methods from multiple interfaces. Interfaces can be nested and accessed with qualifier :: from parentStack type. Furthermore, all members of interfaces are public.

Interface Syntax

InheritanceList -> Inheritance { "," Inheritance }
Inheritance     -> identifier { "::" identifier }

InterfaceDecl     -> "interface" identifier [ ":" InheritanceList ] InterfaceBody
InterfaceBody     -> "{" { InterfaceBodyDecl } "}"
InterfaceBodyDecl -> FunctionDecl | InterfaceDecl
Valid Interface Derivation

Interfaces can have nested interfaces. Use qualifier to access nested type.

  1. There must not be cycles in the derivation tree; it must be a directed acyclic graph.
  2. Parent interface cannot implement nested types.
interface IC : IA::IB {}

interface IA {
    interface IB {}


A class is a record type or a container for member variables with associated member functions. Class can be instantiated with its own set of member values via the new keyword. A class can extends functionality of the base class via inheritance class DerivedClass(BaseClass) : IA, IB, and a single class can only inherit from a single baseclass. However, a class can implement from multiple different interfaces IA and IB. If a class does not implement all interface methods, it is considered abstract and cannot be instantiated via the new expression.

Class Syntax
modifier        -> "public" | "private" | "protected"
InheritanceList -> Inheritance { "," Inheritance }
Inheritance     -> identifier { "::" identifier }

ClassDecl -> "class" identifier
             [ "(" Inheritance ")" ]
             [ ":" InheritanceList ] ClassBody

ClassBody     -> "{" { [ modifier ] ClassBodyDecl } "}"
ClassBodyDecl -> Declaration | FunctionDecl

Derived class inherits all members of Base class methods and member variable. Derived class also implements IA and IB interface methods.

interface IA {
   func imethod1() -> void;
interface IB {
   func imethod2() -> void;

class Base {
   protected var member1: int;
   public func method1() -> void {}

class Derived(Base) : IA, IB {
   private var member2: num;
   public func method2() -> void {}
   public func imethod2() -> void {}
   public func imethod2() -> void {}


Function Syntax

FunctionDecl  -> "func" identifier Signature [ FunctionBody ]

Signature     -> Parameters [ "->" Type ]
Parameters    -> "(" ParameterList ")"
ParameterList -> Parameter { "," Parameter } | ϵ
Parameter     -> identifier ":" Type
FunctionBody  -> Block


Primary Expression

PrimaryExpr -> Operand
             | NewExpr
             | Conversion
             | PrimaryExpr Selector
             | PrimaryExpr Index
             | PrimaryExpr Arguments

Operand      -> Literal | NamedOperand | "(" Expression ")"
Literal      -> BasicLit | ArrayLit | FunctionLit
BasicLit     -> bool_lit | number_lit | string_lit | null_lit
NamedOperand -> identifier { "::" identifier }

Conversion   -> "cast" "<" Type ">" "(" Expression ")"
NewExpr      -> "new" InstanceName
InstanceName -> identifier { "::" identifier }

Selector       -> "." identifier
Index          -> "[" Expression "]"
Arguments      -> "(" ExpressionList ")"
ExpressionList -> Expression { "," Expression } | ϵ


Expression  -> Expression bin_op Expression | UnaryExpr
UnaryExpr   -> PrimaryExpr | unary_op UnaryExpr

unary_op -> "-" | "!"
bin_op   -> "or"
          | "and"
          | "==" | "!=" | "<" | "<=" | ">" | ">="
          | "+" | "-" | "|"
          | "*" | "/" | "%" | "&"


Block         -> "{" StatementList "}"
StatementList -> { Statement }


Statement -> Declaration ";"
           | SimpleStmt ";"
           | ReturnStmt ";"
           | BreakStmt ";"
           | ContinueStmt ";"
           | Block
           | IfStmt
           | ForStmt
           | WhileStmt

SimpleStmt -> EmptyStmt
            | ExpressionStmt
            | IncDecStmt
            | Assignment
EmptyStmt      -> ϵ
ExpressionStmt -> Expression
IncDecStmt     -> Expression postfix_op
postfix_op     -> "++" | "--"
Assignment     -> Expression "=" Expression

ReturnStmt   -> "return" Expression
BreakStmt    -> "break"
ContinueStmt -> "continue"

IfStmt       -> "if" "(" SimpleStmt ")" Block [ "else" Block ]
WhileStmt    -> "while" "(" SimpleStmt ")" Block
ForStmt      -> "for" "(" ForClause ")" Block

ForClause    -> ForClause | RangeClause
RangeClause  -> VarDecl "in" Expression
ForClause    -> InitClause ";" Expression ";" PostClause
InitClause   -> VarDecl | SimpleStmt
PostClause   -> SimpleStmt


Declaration -> VarDecl | TypeDecl
VarDecl     -> "var" identifier [ ":" Type ] [ "=" Expression ]
TypeDecl    -> ClassDecl | InterfaceDecl | AnnotationDecl

Literal Values

Literal      -> BasicLit | ArrayLit | FunctionLit
BasicLit     -> bool_lit | number_lit | string_lit | null_lit

Array Literals

ArrayLit  -> "{" ElementList "}"
ElementList   -> Element { "," Element } | ϵ
Element       -> Expression | Literal

Function Literals

FunctionLit   -> "func" Signature FunctionBody

Signature     -> Parameters [ "->" Type ]
Parameters    -> "(" ParameterList ")"
ParameterList -> Parameter { "," Parameter } | ϵ
Parameter     -> identifier ":" Type
FunctionBody  -> Block


Type      -> TypeName | TypeLit | "(" Type ")"
TypeName  -> identifier { "::" identifier }
TypeLit   -> ArrayType | FunctionType

ArrayType   -> ElementType "[" ArrayLength "]"
ArrayLength -> number_lit
ElementType -> Type

FunctionType      -> "func" UnnamedSignature
UnnamedSignature  -> UnnamedParameters "->" Type
UnnamedParameters -> "(" ParameterTypeList ")"
ParameterTypeList -> Type { "," Type } | ϵ


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