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Grog 🖖

Gradio 🤝 Cog

Experimental: things are work in progress and can break

Cog is an open source tool that aims to package machine learning models into a reproducible docker container that creates an API and can be used locally, hosted in the cloud or on Replicate.

Gradio is an open source tool that aims to create easy demos and web UIs for machine learning models, with few lines of code and pure python. Such UIs can be used locally, hosted in the cloud or on Hugging Face Spaces.

🌈 Grog is a cli that creates a Gradio UI for a Cog application 🌈


To use grog, you should first install it's requirements

git clone
cd grog
pip install -r requirements.txt

Now you can run it with command line

python --replicate_model_id fofr/face-to-sticker --run_type local


There are 3 ways to run Grog:

Run the model and UI locally in your machine 🖥️


Both Cog and Gradio run in your machine. No remote server is needed; your computer needs to be powerful enough to run the chosen model. This means having a decent GPU for most modern Cog/Replicate images. You need to have Docker installed, and run:

python --replicate_model_id fofr/face-to-sticker --run_type local

This will download the Docker image to your computer, initialize it, create a dynamic Gradio UI for it and provided that docker works in your environment (tested only on Linux)


If you wish to customize the UI to your liking, change how the Docker Image is dealt with and instantiated (custom ports, etc); or even host the demo in the cloud, you may run

python --replicate_model_id fofr/face-to-sticker --run_type local --gradio_type static

This will create a new folder docker_{model_name}_{timestamp} with your Gradio that you can edit/customize and a Dockerfile to build an image that will provide your Gradio + Cog application. This Dockerfile can not only be used locally, but also in any cloud service of your preference.

Local UI, sending API calls to Replicate 🌐


If you want to host a local UI that sends requests to Replicate's API, you can do:

python --replicate_model_id fofr/face-to-sticker --run_type replicate_api --replicate_token r8_YourReplicateTokenHere

This will instantiate a Gradio UI generated dynamically that will send requests to the Replicate API


If you wish to modify/customize your UI, you can do so by using the --gradio_type static

python --replicate_model_id fofr/face-to-sticker --run_type replicate_api --replicate_token r8_YourReplicateTokenHere --gradio_type static

This will create a Gradio app app_{name-of-model}-{timestamp}.py that requests Replicate's API. You may modify it as you wish. ⚠️ This file will save your Replicate token in plain text. Be careful. ⚠️

PS: If your inputs include uploaded media, run the Gradio demo from the public URL, as the Replicate API requires uploaded files to be accessible from existing public URL.

Deploy the Gradio demo to Hugging Face Spaces 🤗

If you wish to host a demo with both the cog backend and the Gradio UI running on a Hugging Face Space you can do:

python --replicate_model_id fofr/face-to-sticker --run_type huggingface_spaces --huggingface_token hf_YourHuggingFaceToken --space_hardware t4-medium

This will create a Docker Space on yout Hugging Face account that will mount the cog image and the Gradio demo, and function just like any other Hugging Face Space. You can modify the UI by editing the in the remote repository. (This is essentially the same as deploying the Docker folder from --run_type local --gradio_type static to HF Spaces).


All cli params you can use with

  • replicate_model_id (required): The Replicate model id you wish to create a Gradio UI for (e.g.: fofr/face-to-sticker)
  • run_type (required): Ways to run the model: replicate_api (local UI, remote API), local (local UI, local cog), huggingface_spaces (deploy cog and gradio to a Hugging Face Space)
  • gradio_type (required): Types of Gradio app. --gradio_type static will allow users to edit/customize the UI, --gradio_type dynamic will generate the application dynamically. Ignored when --run_type huggingface_spaces (default: dynamic)
  • replicate_token: Your Replicate token (obtained here). Mandatory when --run_type replicate_api
  • huggingface_token: Your Hugging Face token (obtained here). Mandatory when --run_type huggingface_spaces
  • docker_port (optional): For --run_type local and --gradio_type dynamic, change the default docker port. If --gradio_type static, you can change the ports in your Dockerfile and
  • space_hardware (optional): For --run_type huggingface_spaces, pick which hardware to use on the Space
    • cpu-basic, cpu-upgrade, t4-small, t4-medium, a10g-small, a10g-large (all hardwares beyond cpu-basic are billed)
  • space_repo (optional): For --run_type huggingface_spaces, you can choose the name of your Space. If not set up, it will be set as the same name as the cog model.
  • cog_url: Not implemented - when implemented, will allow the users to insert as an input a cog Docker image directly


Right now, it is required for the Cog image to be hosted on Replicate for Grog to function, as generating a Gradio UI directly from a cog image is not yet implemented due to limitations on both Cog (regarding documentation on typing and number of outputs) and Gradio (no dynamic components). This is planned to be addressed in the future.


Of course, without the amazing tools Gradio and Cog this tool wouldn't exist. They help make machine learning more accessible to all and I thank all the maintainers.

Special thanks to Radamés Ajna who enabled the Dockerfile to run on any environment.