A Hysen Broadlink Themostat docker controlled using MQTT
Credit to madmod/dashcast-docker, used as a base for this docker.
This docker is a gateway to control the Hysen Broadlink Themostat using MQTT and will publish status messages
Using MQTT you can control the Hysen Broadlink Themostat using the following topic. MAC
is the mac address of the device in the format 00:11:22:aa:bb:cc.
Publish a json array with the command and value
, e.g. {"set_power":1}
The following commands are currently working;
- get_temp
Value is undefined for this. This command will force the current temperature to be publsihed to broadlink/MAC/temp
- get_external_temp
Value is undefined for this. This command will force the current external temperature to be publsihed to broadlink/MAC/exttemp
- get_full_status
Value is undefined for this. This command will force the status to be publsihed to broadlink/MAC/status as JSON
- set_temp
Value is numeric between 0 - 35 (currently tested on celcius).
- set_power
Value is 1 or 0# Set device on(1) or off(0), does not deactivate Wifi connectivity.
- default or blank
This will default to get_temp
$ docker run --name MQTT-Hysen --restart unless-stopped --net=host -e MQTT_SERVER="" -e MQTT_USERNAME="user" -e MQTT_PASSWORD="password" -d mukowman/MQTT-Hysen
This will start a python based MQTT client listening on topic broadlink/+/command. Any messages received will be sent to an active Hysen Broadlink Thermostat