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Bookstore Backend using Nestjs


This documentation provides an overview of the API for the Bookstore application. It covers the available endpoints, request/response formats, and error codes.

Live Url

All API is live in :

Base URL

All API requests are made to: http:https://localhost:3000/



  • GET /books: Retrieves a list of all books in the bookstore.

    • Request: No parameters
    • Response: An array of book objects
    • Example: GET /books
  • GET /books/{id}: Retrieves a specific book by its ID.

    • Request: id (path parameter)
    • Response: A book object
    • Example: GET /books/1
  • POST /books: Creates a new book in the bookstore.

    • Request: A JSON object containing title, author, price, and tags
    • Response: The created book object
    • Example: POST /books with { "title": "New Book", "author": "Author Name", "price": 19.99, "tags": ["fiction", "science"] }
  • PUT /books/{id}: Updates an existing book.

    • Request: id (path parameter) and a JSON object containing the fields to update
    • Response: The updated book object
    • Example: PUT /books/1 with { "price": 9.99 }
  • DELETE /books/{id}: Deletes a book from the bookstore.

    • Request: id (path parameter)
    • Response: A message indicating the result of the operation
    • Example: DELETE /books/1


  • POST /login: Logs in a user.

    • Request: A JSON object containing username and password
    • Response: A JSON object containing the access token
  • GET /customers/me: Retrieves the current user's information.

    • Request: No parameters, but requires a bearer token for authentication
    • Response: A JSON object containing the user's information
  • DELETE /logout: Logs out a user.

    • Request: No parameters, but requires a bearer token for authentication
    • Response: A JSON object containing the access token
  • POST /signup: Signs up a new user.

    • Request: A JSON object containing username and password
    • Response: A JSON object containing the user's information


  • POST /customers/: Creates a new customer.

    • Request: A JSON object containing name and points, and requires a bearer token for authentication
    • Response: A JSON object containing the created customer's information
  • GET /customers/: Retrieves a list of all customers.

    • Request: No parameters, but requires a bearer token for authentication
    • Response: A JSON array containing the list of customers


  • POST /orders: Creates a new order.

    • Request: A JSON object containing customerId, bookId, and quantity, and requires a bearer token for authentication
    • Response: A JSON object containing the created order's information
  • GET /orders: Retrieves a list of all orders.

    • Request: No parameters, but requires a bearer token for authentication
    • Response: A JSON array containing the list of orders
  • GET /orders/{id}: Retrieves a specific order by its ID.

    • Request: id (path parameter), and requires a bearer token for authentication
    • Response: A JSON object containing the order's information

Error Codes

  • 400 Bad Request: The request was invalid or cannot be served. The exact error should be explained in the error payload. E.g. "title is missing."
  • 401 Unauthorized: The request requires user authentication.
  • 403 Forbidden: The server understood the request, but it refuses to authorize it.
  • 404 Not Found: The requested resource could not be found.
  • 500 Internal Server Error: An error occurred in the server.

Rate Limiting

The API has a rate limit of 1000 requests per hour. If the limit is exceeded, the server will respond with a 429 Too Many Requests status code.


Some endpoints require authentication. This is done via a bearer token sent in the Authorization header. E.g. Authorization: Bearer your-token-here