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Add support for explicit splitting of definitions
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The motivation behind this is better user experience when dealing
with Kubernetes CRDs. CRDs in an openapi definition are expressed
as one massive definition rather than the Kubernetes builtin types
which rarely nest and instead make use of references within openapi.
These references are desirable as it makes it more manageable to
sparsely define resources utilizing the nested defaults as you go down
the structure.

Unfortunately it looks like support for references wrt CRDs is unlikely
to be supported in the near future:


As a workaround, this adds a new option `--splitPaths` that takes a path
and an optional new model name. The path roughly emulates the idea
behind `kubectl explain` but I ended up using the `~` character instead
of `.` such that the full parent model name could still be used without
ambiguities. During type conversion any matches of path will cause a
Dhall reference to be injected with the nested definition being pushed
back on the stack of definitions to convert. The top level model name
can either be specified on the command line via `=com.some.ModelName` or
be guessed in the case the CRD author follows the best practice of using
the field name as the first word in the description.

Some future work that might need exploring related to this are:
1. Allow specifying `splitPaths` from a file
2. Clean up which types get accumulated into the `typesUnion`. I noticed
   while doing this that all? top level definitions are being dumped
   into this union where really it should only be top level definitions
   that have an `apiVersion` and `kind`
3. See if the `mergeNoConflicts` function needs to be improved such that
   it takes semantic equality (traversing imports) into account.
  • Loading branch information
muff1nman committed Jan 8, 2021
1 parent eb77c42 commit f77b953
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Showing 3 changed files with 164 additions and 68 deletions.
33 changes: 31 additions & 2 deletions dhall-openapi/openapi-to-dhall/Main.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ import Text.Megaparsec
, errorBundlePretty
, parse
, some
, try
, optional
, (<|>)
import Text.Megaparsec.Char (alphaNumChar, char)
Expand All @@ -25,6 +27,7 @@ import Dhall.Kubernetes.Data (patchCyclicImports)
import Dhall.Kubernetes.Types
( DuplicateHandler
, ModelName (..)
, ModelPath
, Prefix
, Swagger (..)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -55,6 +58,7 @@ import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Char.Lexer as Megaparsec.Lexer
data Options = Options
{ skipDuplicates :: Bool
, prefixMap :: Data.Map.Map Prefix Dhall.Import
, splits :: Data.Map.Map ModelPath (Maybe ModelName)
, filename :: String
, crd :: Bool
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -181,8 +185,23 @@ parsePrefixMap =
return (pack prefix, imp)
result = parse (Dhall.Parser.unParser parser `sepBy1` char ',') "MAPPING"

parseSplits :: Options.Applicative.ReadM (Data.Map.Map ModelPath (Maybe ModelName))
parseSplits =
Options.Applicative.eitherReader $ \s ->
bimap errorBundlePretty Data.Map.fromList $ result (pack s)
parser = do
path <- some (alphaNumChar <|> char '.' <|> char '-' <|> char '~')
model <- optional . try $ do
char '='
mo <- some (alphaNumChar <|> char '.' <|> char '-')
return (ModelName $ pack mo)
return (pack path, model)
result = parse (Dhall.Parser.unParser parser `sepBy1` char ',') "MAPPING"

parseOptions :: Options.Applicative.Parser Options
parseOptions = Options <$> parseSkip <*> parsePrefixMap' <*> fileArg <*> crdArg
parseOptions = Options <$> parseSkip <*> parsePrefixMap' <*> parseSplits' <*> fileArg <*> crdArg
parseSkip =
Expand All @@ -195,6 +214,16 @@ parseOptions = Options <$> parseSkip <*> parsePrefixMap' <*> fileArg <*> crdArg
<> "Specify prefix mappings as 'prefix1=importBase1,prefix2=importBase2,...'"
<> Options.Applicative.metavar "MAPPING"
parseSplits' =
option Data.Map.empty $ Options.Applicative.option parseSplits
( Options.Applicative.long "splitPaths"
"Specifiy path and model name pairs with paths being delimited by '~' and pairs separated by '=' for which \
\definitions should be aritifically split with a ref: \n\
\When the model name is omitted, a guess will be made based on the first word of the definition's description"
<> Options.Applicative.metavar "SPLITS"
fileArg = Options.Applicative.strArgument
( "The input file to read"
<> Options.Applicative.metavar "FILE"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -247,7 +276,7 @@ main = do
let fix m = Data.Map.adjust patchCyclicImports (ModelName m)

-- Convert to Dhall types in a Map
let types = Convert.toTypes prefixMap
let types = Convert.toTypes prefixMap (Convert.pathSplitter splits)
-- TODO: find a better way to deal with this cyclic import
$ fix "io.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1beta1.JSONSchemaProps"
$ fix "io.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1.JSONSchemaProps"
Expand Down
189 changes: 127 additions & 62 deletions dhall-openapi/src/Dhall/Kubernetes/Convert.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,13 +8,14 @@ module Dhall.Kubernetes.Convert
, getImportsMap
, mkImport
, toDefinition
, pathSplitter
) where

import Control.Applicative (empty)
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Types (Parser, parseMaybe)
import Data.Bifunctor (first, second)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, mapMaybe)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, mapMaybe, isJust)
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Dhall.Kubernetes.Types
Expand All @@ -23,31 +24,37 @@ import GHC.Generics (Generic, Rep)
import qualified Data.Char as Char
import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Data.Map
import qualified Data.Maybe as Maybe
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Sort as Sort
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Data.Tuple as Tuple
import qualified Dhall.Core as Dhall
import qualified Dhall.Map
import qualified Dhall.Optics

modelsToText :: ModelHierarchy -> [Text]
modelsToText = (\ (ModelName unModelName) -> unModelName)

-- | Creates a path of a given hierarchy of models (separated by @~@) that can be used for textual matching
modelsToPath :: ModelHierarchy -> ModelPath
modelsToPath = Text.intercalate "~" . modelsToText

-- | Get all the required fields for a model
-- See
-- TLDR: because k8s API allows PUTS etc with partial data,
-- it's not clear from the data types OR the API which
-- fields are required for A POST...
requiredFields :: Maybe ModelName -> Maybe (Set FieldName) -> Set FieldName
requiredFields maybeName required
requiredFields :: ModelHierarchy -> Maybe (Set FieldName) -> Set FieldName
requiredFields modelHierarchy required
= Set.difference
(List.foldr Set.union (fromMaybe Set.empty required) [alwaysRequired, toAdd])
hierarchyAsText = modelsToPath modelHierarchy
alwaysRequired = Set.fromList $ FieldName <$> [ "apiVersion", "kind", "metadata"]
toAdd = fromMaybe Set.empty $ do
name <- maybeName
Data.Map.lookup name requiredConstraints
toRemove = fromMaybe Set.empty $ do
name <- maybeName
Data.Map.lookup name notRequiredConstraints
toAdd = fromMaybe Set.empty $ Data.Map.lookup hierarchyAsText requiredConstraints
toRemove = fromMaybe Set.empty $ Data.Map.lookup hierarchyAsText notRequiredConstraints

-- | Some models require keys that are not in the required set,
-- but are in the docs or just work
Expand All @@ -56,13 +63,13 @@ requiredFields maybeName required
-- | Some models should not require some keys, and this is not
-- in the Swagger spec but just in the docs
notRequiredConstraints = Data.Map.fromList
[ ( ModelName "io.k8s.api.core.v1.ObjectFieldSelector"
[ ( "io.k8s.api.core.v1.ObjectFieldSelector"
, Set.fromList [ FieldName "apiVersion" ]
, ( ModelName "io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.StatusDetails"
, ( "io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.StatusDetails"
, Set.fromList [ FieldName "kind" ]
, ( ModelName "io.k8s.api.core.v1.PersistentVolumeClaim"
, ( "io.k8s.api.core.v1.PersistentVolumeClaim"
, Set.fromList [ FieldName "apiVersion", FieldName "kind" ]
, ( ModelName "io.k8s.api.batch.v1beta1.JobTemplateSpec"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -111,63 +118,121 @@ namespacedObjectFromImport _ = Nothing
toTextLit :: Text -> Expr
toTextLit str = Dhall.TextLit (Dhall.Chunks [] str)

-- | Merge maps and error on conflicts
mergeNoConflicts :: (Ord k, Eq a, Show a, Show k) => Data.Map.Map k a -> Data.Map.Map k a -> Data.Map.Map k a
mergeNoConflicts = Data.Map.unionWithKey
(\key left right ->
if left == right
then left
else error ("Cannot merge differing values " ++ show left ++ " and " ++ show right ++ " for key " ++ show key))

{- | Extract the 'ModelName' to be used when splitting a definition.
This is considered a guess as it does not work with all types. Currently it uses the first word from the description
appended to the largest prefix before the last @.@ of the parent.
guessModelNameForSplit :: ModelHierarchy -> Definition -> Maybe ModelName
guessModelNameForSplit models definition = ModelName <$> ((<>) <$> toPrepend <*> firstWordOfDesc)
toPrepend :: Maybe Text.Text
toPrepend = (Tuple.fst . Text.breakOnEnd (Text.pack ".") <$> (Maybe.listToMaybe $ modelsToText models))

firstWordOfDesc :: Maybe Text.Text
firstWordOfDesc = (Text.words <$> (description definition) >>= Maybe.listToMaybe)

{- | Given the @pathsAndModels@ Map provides a function to be used with 'toTypes' to split types at mostly arbitrary points
The @pathsAndModels@ argument takes the form of a path to an optional 'ModelName'. Paths are of the format noted by
'modelsToPath'. If a 'ModelName' is provided as a value for the given path, it will be returned (to be then used as
the 'ModelName' for the nested definition. If no 'ModelName' is provided, 'guessModelNameForSplit' will try to guess.
If that fails, 'Nothing' will be returned such that no split will be done by 'toTypes'
Currently not all split points in for nested definitions are supported (in fact only types with a properties
attribute are currently supported).
pathSplitter :: Data.Map.Map ModelPath (Maybe ModelName) -> ModelHierarchy -> Definition -> Maybe ModelName
pathSplitter pathsAndModels modelHierarchy definition
| (Maybe.isJust $ properties definition) && Maybe.isJust model = model
| otherwise = Nothing
hierarchyAsText = modelsToPath modelHierarchy
model = case Data.Map.lookup hierarchyAsText pathsAndModels of
Just (Just m) -> Just m
Just (Nothing) -> guessModelNameForSplit modelHierarchy definition
Nothing -> Nothing

{-| Converts all the Swagger definitions to Dhall Types
Note: we cannot do 1-to-1 conversion and we need the whole Map because
many types reference other types so we need to access them to decide things
like "should this key be optional"
toTypes :: Data.Map.Map Prefix Dhall.Import -> Data.Map.Map ModelName Definition -> Data.Map.Map ModelName Expr
toTypes prefixMap definitions = memo
memo = Data.Map.mapWithKey (\k -> convertToType (Just k)) definitions

kvList = Dhall.App Dhall.List $ Dhall.Record $ Dhall.Map.fromList
[ ("mapKey", Dhall.makeRecordField Dhall.Text), ("mapValue", Dhall.makeRecordField Dhall.Text) ]
intOrStringType = Dhall.Union $ Dhall.Map.fromList $ fmap (second Just)
[ ("Int", Dhall.Natural), ("String", Dhall.Text) ]

-- | Convert a single Definition to a Dhall Type
-- Note: we have the ModelName only if this is a top-level import
convertToType :: Maybe ModelName -> Definition -> Expr
convertToType maybeModelName Definition{..} = case (ref, typ, properties, intOrString) of
-- If we point to a ref we just reference it via Import
(Just r, _, _, _) -> Dhall.Embed $ mkImport prefixMap [] (pathFromRef r <> ".dhall")
-- Otherwise - if we have 'properties' - it's an object
(_, _, Just props, _) ->
shouldBeRequired :: Maybe ModelName -> FieldName -> Bool
shouldBeRequired maybeParent field = Set.member field requiredNames
requiredNames = requiredFields maybeParent required

(required', optional') = Data.Map.partitionWithKey
(\k _ -> shouldBeRequired maybeModelName (FieldName (unModelName k)))
-- TODO: labelize
$ (convertToType Nothing) props

= Data.Map.toList required'
<> fmap (second $ Dhall.App Dhall.Optional) (Data.Map.toList optional')

adaptRecordList = Dhall.Map.mapMaybe (Just . Dhall.makeRecordField)

in Dhall.Record $ adaptRecordList $ Dhall.Map.fromList $ fmap (first $ unModelName) allFields
(_, _, _, Just _) -> intOrStringType
-- Otherwise - if we have a 'type' - it's a basic type
(_, Just basic, _, _) -> case basic of
"object" -> kvList
"array" | Just item <- items -> Dhall.App Dhall.List (convertToType Nothing item)
"string" | format == Just "int-or-string" -> intOrStringType
"string" -> Dhall.Text
"boolean" -> Dhall.Bool
"integer" -> Dhall.Natural
"number" -> Dhall.Double
other -> error $ "Found missing Swagger type: " <> Text.unpack other
-- There are empty schemas that only have a description, so we return empty record
_ -> Dhall.Record mempty

toTypes :: Data.Map.Map Prefix Dhall.Import -> ([ModelName] -> Definition -> Maybe ModelName) -> Data.Map.Map ModelName Definition -> Data.Map.Map ModelName Expr
toTypes prefixMap typeSplitter definitions = toTypes' prefixMap typeSplitter definitions Data.Map.empty

toTypes' :: Data.Map.Map Prefix Dhall.Import -> ([ModelName] -> Definition -> Maybe ModelName) -> Data.Map.Map ModelName Definition -> Data.Map.Map ModelName Expr -> Data.Map.Map ModelName Expr
toTypes' prefixMap typeSplitter definitions toMerge
| Data.Map.null definitions = toMerge
| otherwise = mergeNoConflicts (toTypes' prefixMap typeSplitter newDefs modelMap) toMerge

convertAndAccumWithKey :: ModelHierarchy -> Data.Map.Map ModelName Definition -> ModelName -> Definition -> (Data.Map.Map ModelName Definition, Expr)
convertAndAccumWithKey modelHierarchy accDefs k v = (mergeNoConflicts accDefs leftOverDefs, expr)
(expr, leftOverDefs) = convertToType (modelHierarchy ++ [k]) v

(newDefs, modelMap) = Data.Map.mapAccumWithKey (convertAndAccumWithKey []) Data.Map.empty definitions

kvList = Dhall.App Dhall.List $ Dhall.Record $ Dhall.Map.fromList
[ ("mapKey", Dhall.makeRecordField Dhall.Text), ("mapValue", Dhall.makeRecordField Dhall.Text) ]
intOrStringType = Dhall.Union $ Dhall.Map.fromList $ fmap (second Just)
[ ("Int", Dhall.Natural), ("String", Dhall.Text) ]

-- | Convert a single Definition to a Dhall Type, yielding any definitions to be split
-- Note: model hierarchy contains the modelName of of the current definition as the last entry
convertToType :: ModelHierarchy -> Definition -> (Expr, Data.Map.Map ModelName Definition)
convertToType modelHierarchy definition
| Just splitModelName <- typeSplitter modelHierarchy definition =
( Dhall.Embed $ mkImport prefixMap [] ((unModelName splitModelName) <> ".dhall"), Data.Map.singleton splitModelName definition)
-- If we point to a ref we just reference it via Import
| Just r <- ref definition = ( Dhall.Embed $ mkImport prefixMap [] (pathFromRef r <> ".dhall"), Data.Map.empty)
| Just props <- properties definition =
shouldBeRequired :: ModelHierarchy -> FieldName -> Bool
shouldBeRequired hierarchy field = Set.member field requiredNames
requiredNames = requiredFields hierarchy (required definition)

(newPropDefs, propModelMap) = Data.Map.mapAccumWithKey (convertAndAccumWithKey modelHierarchy) Data.Map.empty props

(required', optional') = Data.Map.partitionWithKey
(\k _ -> shouldBeRequired modelHierarchy (FieldName (unModelName k)))
-- TODO: labelize
$ propModelMap

= Data.Map.toList required'
<> fmap (second $ Dhall.App Dhall.Optional) (Data.Map.toList optional')

adaptRecordList = Dhall.Map.mapMaybe (Just . Dhall.makeRecordField)

in (Dhall.Record $ adaptRecordList $ Dhall.Map.fromList $ fmap (first $ unModelName) allFields, newPropDefs)
-- This is another way to declare an intOrString
| isJust $ intOrString definition = (intOrStringType, Data.Map.empty)
-- Otherwise - if we have a 'type' - it's a basic type
| Just basic <- typ definition = case basic of
"object" -> (kvList, Data.Map.empty)
"array" | Just item <- items definition ->
let (e, tm) = convertToType (modelHierarchy) item
in (Dhall.App Dhall.List e, tm)
"string" | format definition == Just "int-or-string" -> (intOrStringType, Data.Map.empty)
"string" -> (Dhall.Text, Data.Map.empty)
"boolean" -> (Dhall.Bool, Data.Map.empty)
"integer" -> (Dhall.Natural, Data.Map.empty)
"number" -> (Dhall.Double, Data.Map.empty)
other -> error $ "Found missing Swagger type: " <> Text.unpack other
-- There are empty schemas that only have a description, so we return empty record
| otherwise = (Dhall.Record mempty, Data.Map.empty)

-- | Convert a Dhall Type to its default value
Expand Down
10 changes: 6 additions & 4 deletions dhall-openapi/src/Dhall/Kubernetes/Types.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,6 +21,9 @@ type DuplicateHandler = (Text, [ModelName]) -> Maybe ModelName

type Prefix = Text

type ModelHierarchy = [ModelName]
type ModelPath = Text

{-| Type for the Swagger specification.
There is such a type defined in the `swagger2` package, but Kubernetes' OpenAPI
Expand All @@ -45,7 +48,7 @@ data Definition = Definition
, required :: Maybe (Set FieldName)
, baseData :: Maybe BaseData
, intOrString :: Maybe Bool
} deriving (Generic, Show)
} deriving (Generic, Show, Eq)

instance FromJSON Definition where
parseJSON = withObject "definition" $ \o -> do
Expand All @@ -62,13 +65,12 @@ instance FromJSON Definition where

newtype Ref = Ref { unRef :: Text }
deriving (Generic, Show, FromJSON)
deriving (Generic, Show, FromJSON, Eq)

newtype ModelName = ModelName { unModelName :: Text }
deriving (Generic, Show, Ord, FromJSONKey, Eq, Pretty)

newtype FieldName = FieldName { unFieldName :: Text }
deriving (Generic, Show, FromJSON, FromJSONKey, Ord, Eq, Pretty)

Expand All @@ -90,7 +92,7 @@ For example for a v1 Deployment we have
data BaseData = BaseData
{ kind :: Text
, apiVersion :: Text
} deriving (Generic, Show)
} deriving (Generic, Show, Eq)

instance FromJSON BaseData where
parseJSON = withArray "array of values" $ \arr -> withObject "baseData" (\o -> do
Expand Down

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