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A utility SwiftUI framework to speed up application development


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A utility SwiftUI framework to speed up application development.

Getting started

Swift Package Manager

You can add SwiftBus to your project by adding it as a dependency in your Package.swift file:

// swift-tools-version:5.7
// The swift-tools-version declares the minimum version of Swift required to build this package.

import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
    name: "MyProject",
    products: [
        .library(name: "MyProject", targets: ["MyProject"])
    dependencies: [
         .package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "0.5.0")),
    targets: [
        .target(name: "MyProject", dependencies: ["Fulcrum"]),
        .testTarget(name: "MyProjectTests", dependencies: ["MyProject"])


Open your project in Xcode, then:

  1. Click File -> Add Packages,
  2. In the search bar type: and press Enter,
  3. Once Xcode finds the library, set Dependency rule to Up to next major version,
  4. Click Add Package,
  5. Select the desired Target (If you have multiple targets, you can add the dependency manually from Xcode)
  6. Confirm selection by clicking on Add Package.



Fulcrum extends SwiftUI's Color with Palette namespace that constain predefined colors:

import Fulcrum

let primaryColor = Color.Palette.red400
let textOnPrimatry = Color.Palette.neutral50

Fulcrum Color palette is base on Tailwind: Fulcrum_Color_Palette

Other colors

Beside Palette, Fulcrum defines other helpful colors:

import Fulcrum

let color = Color.almostClear   // Color.white with 0.001 opacity
let anotherColor = Color.random() // Random color


Fulcrum allows to instantiate Color from hex string:

import Fulcrum

let red = Color("FF0000") // RRGGBB
let alsoRed = Color("#FF0000") 
let anotherRed = Color("0xFF0000")
let threeDigitColor = Color("F9A") // Same as FF99AA
let opaqueWhite = Color("FFFFF00") // RRGGBBAA
let nilColor = Color("Hello") // returns nil

Appearance Mode

Fulcrum allows to instantiate a color that changes depending on current User Interface Style:

import Fulcrum

let backgroundColor = Color(light: .white, dark: .black)


Fulcrum provides a standarized sizes of System font:

import Fulcrum

let smallFont = Font.System.extraSmall
let hugeFont = Font.System.extraLarge9

This is the list of available fonts:

Name Size (pt)
extraSmall 8
small 12
standard 14
medium 16
systemControl 16
large 18
extraLarge 20
extraLarge2 24
extraLarge3 30
extraLarge4 36
extraLarge5 48
extraLarge6 60
extraLarge7 72
extraLarge8 96
extraLarge9 128


Fulcrum provides a standarized spacing:

import Fulcrum

let small = Spacing.small
let huge = Spacing.extraLarge9

This is the list of available spacings:

Name Size
zero 0
mini 2
extraSmall 4
small 6
medium 8
standard 10
largish 14
large 16
extraLarge 20
extraLarge2 24
extraLarge3 30
extraLarge4 36
extraLarge5 48
extraLarge6 60
extraLarge7 72
extraLarge8 96
extraLarge9 128

View modifiers

Dismiss Keyboard on tap

This modifier dismisses keyboard when user tap on the view:

VStack {
  // ...

View Extensions

Fill Parent

Resizes the frame of a view so it fills its parent:

// Resizes frame in both axis

// Resizes frame only vertically
view2.fillParent(axis: .vertical) 

// Resizes frame horizontally with content, inside the frame, aligned to leading edge
view3.fillParent(axis: .horizontally, alignment: .leading)

Erase to AnyView

Erases current view to opaque AnyView:

let anyView =  view1.eraseToAnyView()

Hide View

Hides or shows the view:

// Hides view and preserves the layout

// Removes the view from the layout 
view1.hidden(true, shouldRemove: true)

View + Condition

Transforms view based on the result of the condition:

@State var numberOfItems: Int

// if
view1.applyIf(numberOfItems == 0) { originalView in

// if + else
  numberOfItems == 0, 
  onTrueTransform: { originalView in
  }, onFalseTransform: { originalView in

View + Debug

Perform action when view is drawn on the screen. Action is triggered only in Debug mode.

view1.debugAction {
  // do something

Prints message in the console when view is drawn on the screen. Action is triggered only in Debug mode.

view1.debugPrint("Hello world")

Adds background to the view. The background is applied only in Debug mode

// Adds red background

// Adds specified background

Adds border to the view. The borders is added only in Debug mode

// Adds 1pt red border

// Adds specified background
view1.debugBorder(Color.yellow, width: 2)


A utility SwiftUI framework to speed up application development







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