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  • goals of this workshop
    • introduction to actor model
  • workshop plan
    1. implement simple actor system
    2. use it to create ping-pong game


  • sharing mutable state
    • general solution: remove state mutation
    • single thread environment
      • function(oldState) returns (newState, result)
    • multithreaded environment
      • use locks or make operations atomic, or both
        • analogy vs single thread: living on a desert island
          • if you’re the only inhabitant, there’s no need for locks on your doors
      • immutable data structures don’t help
      • needs: mutable reference so that the new immutable data can replace the previous one
    • should be abstracted
      • in functional programming - sharing resources has to be done as an effect
        • every access to that resources treat as input/output (I/O)
      • common technique: side effects as an implementation detail for a purely functional API
        • side effects are not observable to code
      • example: actor framework
  • main use of actors isn’t for parallelization, but for the abstraction of sharing a mutable state
    • without actors - need to synchronize access to resources to handle concurrency


  • is essentially a concurrent process that doesn’t constantly occupy a thread
    • occupies only when it receives a message
  • actor - fundamental unit of computation
  • actor has to embody 3 essentials elements of computations
    • processing - get something done
    • storage - remember things
    • communication
  • one ant is no ant - one actor is no actor
    • actors come in systems
  • actor can address himself - way of implement recursion
    • example: factorial
  • fundamental properties
    • everything is an actor
    • misconception: every actor has a mailbox, and mailbox is an actor - mailbox needs a mailbox?
      • resolve it with axioms
  • when an actor receives a message, all he can do is:
    • create more actors
      • supervision context
        • actor needs to supervise the actors it creates
        • decides what should happen when components fail in the system
          • can decide to restart an actor or take the actor out of service
    • send messages to other actors
    • decide what it gonna do with the next message it receives
      • example: account balance - 5$, deposit 1$, now - account balance is 6$
      • what is a difference from creating a new actor: we expect that the old actor has up-to-date balance
  • each actor has an address, we can send messages to
    • many-to-many relationship
      • one address for a bunch of actors (ex. replicating behind the scenes)
      • one actor for many addresses
    • all you can do with an address is send it a message
  • actors can receive messages in any order
    • analogy
      • packets in TCP can come in any order (sequence number to reconstruct in order)
      • postbox - you could get letters in any order
  • there are no channels
    • message will be delivered at most once
      • it could take a long time, like message in the bottle that floats over the see
    • no intermediaries
      • but you could create an actor that acts like a channel
      • proxy/forwarding actor (forwards messages to other actors)
    • messages go directly
    • messages are sent asynchronously (no need to wait for an answer — there isn’t one)
  • actor processes one message at a time
    • queueing other messages for subsequent processing
    • no concurrent access to actor's internal resources
  • an actor system can be seen as a series of functional programs communicating with each other through effects

actor model

  • actor model allows tasks to be parallelized by using a manager actor
    • breaks the task into subtasks
    • distributes them to worker actors
    • no worker actor is ever idle until the list of subtasks is empty
      • if worker actor returns a result - it’s given a new subtask
  • for some tasks, the results of the subtasks may need to be reordered
    • the manager actor will probably send the results to a specific actor responsible for rearrangement

actor state mutation

  • actors can be stateless (immutable) or stateful
    • behaviour of each actor is allowed to change
      • is caused by a modification to the state of the actor, replacing the original behaviour with a new one

actor framework implementation

  • components
    • Behaviour<T> : (T) -> Behaviour<T>
      • how actor behaves when it gets message T
      • example
        fun behaviour(msg: MsgType): Behaviour<MsgType> {
           return {
               // do something
               Behaviour { msg -> newBehaviour } // change behaviour
      • why behaviour cannot be (T) -> Unit?
        • if you change type to unit and remove mutation of behaviour in ActorSystem, engine will create new object for every invocation
          Behaviour { msg ->
              Player1(self) // here we are creating new object
        • so we have to keep it like this (T) -> Behaviour<T> and return new behaviour from behaviour methods
    • fun interface ActorRef<T> { fun tell(msg: T) }
      • represents actor that you sent a message
    • ActorSystem(val executor: ExecutorService)
      • fun <T> spawn(initial: (ActorRef<T>) -> Behaviour<T>): ActorRef<T>
        • creates actors and schedules them on executor
    • ActorRef implementation
      val mailbox = ConcurrentLinkedQueue<T>()
      var behaviour = initial(this)
      override fun tell(msg: T) {
      • process is CAS scheduler
        • if mailbox is not empty and we are not processing anything => schedule and set flag